
Riding Our Brevets

Before the Event
· Registration - Online registration is optional for most events, but lets us see how many will be coming, including newcomers. If there is a fee for the event, the registration process will collect it. Registering also allows to notified you of postponements and other changes to the event. A few brevets require registration (noted on schedule).
· Waivers - On the schedule page, there is a link for the event's waiver. Print out the waiver, sign it, and bring it to the ride start to hand to the ride leader.
· Event Route - The schedule page contains links to the event routes. You can download them to your device, and for most routes, you can print off a cue sheet from RideWithGPS.
· RMCC membership is required. These dues fund our normal brevets, populaires, and team events. If you do not have a current RMCC membership, join/renew online, or bring a paper application and check to the event start.
· Randonneurs USA (RUSA) membership is also required. You may join/renew with RUSA up to a couple days before the event start, to allow time for your membership to be processed.
· Qualifying - A few events require qualifying, because of their difficulty or distance. Qualification details are noted on the schedule.
· Rules - Please study the brevet rules if you are new to randonneuring.
· Lights & Reflective Gear - If you may be riding at night or low-light situations, make sure you have lights and reflective gear. (See RUSA's Reflectivity Guidelines.)
During the Event
· Support - Most of our events are unsupported. But routes are designed with services in mind, and most of our checkpoints are at locations with stores.
· Proof of Passage - In randonneuring, you document that you rode the route and did so within the time limits. There are several options to do this, as described in the Rules for Riders. Most riders use GPS, but you can also take photos at checkpoints, or collect receipts at stores. If a GPS or other device fails, you can fall back to another form of verification - e.g., photos. You can also submit more than one GPS track if your device has intermittent issues. It's only necessary to demonstrate that you passed through each checkpoint (including start and finish) within the time limits.
After the Event
· Submitting Your Result - Send a link to your GPS track, photos, or whatever materials you collected for proof of passage. Email these to the ride leader, who will be compiling everyone's results. Results are submitted to RUSA in a single batch, and the deadline is 7 days after the end of the event. So do this as soon as you can. If you weren't able to finish, let the ride leader know, if you didn't during the ride.
· Posted Results and Recognition - Finishers' results are listed on our results pages and on the RUSA website.
· Medals - RUSA members may order an ACP brevet medal from RUSA after successfully completing an Audax Club Parisien-sanctioned brevet. You may order medals individually or for multiple events. Our events are ACP sanctioned except for Populaires, RUSA team events, and Grand Randonnées (1200km+) or unless noted on the schedule. Other Awards - These events also count towards other RUSA and ACP awards.

About Randonneuring

· What is Randonneuring? - "Randonneuring" is the French term for ranging over an extended, challenging course. Its tradition goes back to the start of cycling in France and Italy. Brevets are randonneuring events: non-competitive endurance rides requiring self-sufficiency… and occasional bursts of tenacity. Camaraderie is encouraged.
· What are Brevets? - "Brevet" means "certificate" in French. Your ride is validated with its own certificate number, and your result posted. You authenticate that you've completed the route by having your control card validated at a number of checkpoints along the route and at the finish. Most of the checkpoints on our brevets are at stores. You may also document your passage through checkpoints electronically using GPS tracks or photos, if allowed by the organizer, as it is here.
· Randonneurs USA - These events - like others across the country - are sanctioned by Randonneurs USA (RUSA). Joining RUSA helps support randonneuring. And as a RUSA member, you are eligible for awards, your results are listed on the national website, and you receive the informative American Randonneur magazine.

About Team Events

· What Are Team Events? - - Team events have a fixed (not maximum) riding time, and minimum distance to travel. Riders form teams led by captains. Each team comes up with its own route, with checkpoints, like a brevet route. All the routes have a common destination, so that the teams meet each other at the finish. Members on a team try to ride, take breaks, and finish together.
· What Kinds of Team Events Are There? - The archtypal randonneuring team event is the ACP Flèche (or "arrow" in French): 3-5 members on a team, 24 hours, and minimum of 360km. RUSA's Arrow has the same provisions. RUSA also offers the Dart (13½ hours, 200km minimum) and Dart Populaire (8 hours, 120km minimum).

About Populaires

· What is a Populaire? - A Populaire is a brevet-format ride from 100km-199k, run under the same rules and using the same kind of proof of passage as brevets.
· Learn about Brevets - Populaires let you learn how brevets work, get inside tips from brevet veterans, and train up for brevet-distance events in the spring.
· Results and Recognition - Populaire results, like brevet results, are posted not only here but with RUSA, and count towards RUSA Distance and other awards.

About RUSA Permanents

· What is a Permanent? - A Permanent is a route with checkpoints like a brevet route, but that you can ride when you'd like. You register with RUSA and submit your own result to RUSA. You can ride alone or with friends. Permanents are not part of our event calendar. They are managed directly by RUSA.
· How do I Find Perm Routes? - Search the RUSA Permanents Library for a route, then register to ride it, then ride it.
· Rules for Perms - Rules for riding Permanents differ from brevet rules, so study them before riding. For example, as with brevets, you must proceed through the checkpoints in sequence, but in between you may take whatever (safe and legal) route you'd like.
· Result and Awards - Your results are posted on the RUSA website (but not ours), and Perm rides count towards various RUSA awards.