-- 5 October 2013 - Roggen Roundabout
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 8:40 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 7:19 | Guala, John
| 1679 | 8:42 | Mangin, John
| 5525 | 11:45 | Niedermier, Mark
| 3112 | 9:00 | Rupel, Ray
| First Roggen Roundabout Brevet!
A cheerful ... but chilly! ... band of 5 starters and finishers started out in temps just below freezing for the inaugural Roggen Roundabout 200k brevet. It turned into quite a mild, sunny (but breezy!) day out on the plains.
This course comes from the Roggen Roundabout 205km RUSA Permanent, which has been in service since 2006 but never used for a brevet. It replaced the James Canyon Jaunt route originally scheduled. (Thanks to the flood, Lefthand Canyon much less Jamestown, are still impassable.) It is our easternmost 200k route.
- John Lee Ellis

Ray Rupel crosses I-76 at the Roggen checkpoint.

John Mangin looking cheerful at the Louisville finish.
-- 29 September 2013 -- Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| | 7:20 | Guala, John
| | 7:20 | Howell, Craig
| 5692 | 7:20 | Jones, Lloyd
| 5632 | 8:15 | LeBlanc, Todd
| | 8:07 | Ledru, Pascal
| 6026 | 7:20 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 8:06 | Mangin, John
| | 10:28 | Sigmond, Bennett
| First Rawhide Visit in Years!
A cheerful band of 9 starters and 8 finishers enjoyed a wonderfully mild, sunny day, with some windy sections on the way back from Rawhide.
This new course featured the first four climbs of Horsetooth Reservoir, a descent past the CSU stadium (new to the brevets), and a visit to windswept Rawhide Powerplant on Weld Co. Rd. 82, eleven miles from Wyoming. Years ago, some spring 200k's visited Rawhide, but this is our first visit in a decade!
This replaces the Stove Prairie (Clockwise), was scheduled for a week earlier, September 21. But the flood closed some roads on our route (most notably the Stove Prairie road). We spent that weekend putting together a new course and test-driving it (which made for more changes to dodge yet more county road closures). As we rode this new route, even a week later, we could see barricades on the original SP route.
- John Lee Ellis

Pascal LeDuc, John Mangin, and Todd LeBlanc as John patches a tube along the Devil's Backbone on Wild Lane.

Craig Howell, Mark Lowe, and Lloyd Jones at Rawhide plant overlook - John Guala photo.
-- 17 August 2013 -- Glen Haven Gallivant
| Time
| Rider
| 153 | 8:49 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1471 | 7:44 | Foley, Paul ®
| 3147 | 9:17 | Foss, Ronaele
| | 6:42 | Guala, John
| | 8:50 | Harris, Richard *
| 5692 | 7:57 | Jones, Lloyd
| | 8:50 | King, Joshua *
| 3555 | 8:57 | Knoblauch, Tom
| | 8:49 | Ledru, Pascal *
| 6026 | 6:36 | Lowe, Mark
| | 9:12 | Medina, Marty
| 5471 | 11:53 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 5525 | 11:32 | Niedermeier, Mark
| | 8:50 | O'Brien, Brendan *
| | 13:00 | Patki, Satish **
| | 8:49 | Pomares, Martha
| 1468 | 10:00 | Rapp, Brian
| | 10:14 | Sigmond, Bennett
| 3551 | 10:00 | Snavely, Henry
| | 9:57 | Stanton, Laurie
® Pre-Ride
* First Brevet!
** First Colorado Brevet!
| Biggest Glen Haven Gallivant Turnout Yet!
A great turnout of 22 starters and 20 finishers enjoyed a dry, sunny day ... only a bit toasty on the final stretch. Of course there were also Glen Haven General Store cinnamon rolls to enjoy, which many riders apparently did, as the post-noon hour saw nearly half the ridership congregating together!
Note: Originally the Black Forest 200k was scheduled for this day, but we changed route to avoid potential runoff problems from the burn area.
A big thanks to Tammie Nakamura for collecting finishers' cards!
Tammie brought her friend Satish Patki to his first Colorado brevet. Satish organizes the brevets in India and is keen to see how we do things here. We also enjoyed meeting a number of other first-time riders, and hope they join us again!
- John Lee Ellis

Part of the big turnout at the start - Satish is 4th from left.

Mark Lowe on the Peak-to-Peak - John Guala photo.
-- 3 August 2013 -- Peak-to-Peak
| Time
| Rider
| 6322 | 16:05 | Dean, Robert ®
| 153 | 14:12 | Ellis, John Lee
| 8904 | 14:03 | Legan, Nicholas *
| 3112 | 12:30 | Rupel, Ray
® Pre-Ride
* First Brevet!
| Stormiest Peak-to-Peak 300k Yet!
With 7 starters and 4 finishers, a rough day for sure! Riders enjoyed a nice ride up Coal Creek Canyon and up the Peak-to-Peak Highway to Glen Haven, but then the promised panoply of afternoon weather materialized - everything from dust- and sand-storms scouring riders into Platteville, 30-mph tailwinds heading west, and drenching rains graced by tornado warnings for the final stretch.
- John Lee Ellis

Storm clouds and dust on Rd. 20 in Weld County.

New randonneur Nick Legan warming up and drying off at the finish.
-- 27 July 2013 -- Vail Pass Volley
| Time
| Rider
| 6322 | 9:53 | Dean, Robert
| 2434 | 7:50 | Flanigan, John
| 1471 | 7:50 | Foley, Paul
| Highest 200k Brevet Yet!
A mere 3 riders enjoyed a fine day in the mountains on this inaugural Vail Pass Volley.
Thanks to Paul Foley for leading this ride. Have a look at his excellent pictorial ride report.
- John Lee Ellis

John Flanigan, Paul Foley, Bob Dean at the start.

John Flanigan heading back up to Vail Pass. Paul Foley photo
-- 13 July 2013 -- Golden Gate Gadabout
| Time
| Rider
| 6322 | 12:05 | Dean, Robert
| 6026 | 7:01 | Lowe, Mark
| | 10:13 | Parry, Robynne **
| | 10:13 | Parry, Shawn **
| | 9:06 | Rosenthal, Harris
| | 7:20 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3112 | 8:42 | Rupel, Ray
** First Colo. Brevet!
| Not very stormy GGG!
7 riders enjoyed a pretty nice day, despite the threat for afternoon storms, which didn't .
Welcome especially to Robynne and Shawn Parry, visiting from the Houston area. They were looking for an especially challenging ride in preparation for a triathlon they'll be doing in Canada. They loved the scenery and found the climbing useful.
- John Lee Ellis

Steve Rudolph, Mark Lowe, Harris Rosenthal, Robynne and Shawn Parry, Ray Rupel, Bob Dean.

Our visitors Robynne and Shawn Parry.
-- 22 June 2013 -- St. Vrain Canyon
— 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 5897 | 19:11 | Cramer, Cathy
— 600km —
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 2434 | 18:15 | 32:05 | Flanigan, John ®
| 1471 | 17:42 | 32:56 | Foley, Paul
| 3112 | 17:36 | 27:52 | Rupel, Ray
| 1842 | 17:42 | 32:56 | Smith, Vernon
| 8564 | 22:13 | 38:30 | Stanton, Laurie *
| 8565 | 16:23 | 38:30 | Stanton, Mark *
* First 600k Brevet!
® Pre-Ride
| Cosiest Solstice 400k/600k in Some Time!
11 starters and 6 finishers enjoyed quite reasonable weather for our high season 400k and 600k. It was mainly equipment problems that kept some from finishing, but kudos to everyone to showing up for this mileage-fest. Special congratulations go to Laurie Stanton who's now earned her Super Randonneur status in her first season of randonneuring. And a special commendation to her husband Mark Stanton who stayed by her on the second loop ... on his first 600k. Both have been welcome additions to our rando family!
Many thanks to Brent and Beth Myers for leading this ride (and then falling prey to equipment problems!).
- John Lee Ellis
P.S. The 1000k had no registrants this year.

A nice day on the Peak-to-Peak.

A pleasant stop at the Meeker Park Lodge store, pine dust blowing in the background.
-- 8 June 2013 -- Lefthand Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 6322 | 21:00 | Dean, Robert
| 153 | 17:46 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1471 | 17:46 | Foley, Paul
| 7751 | 18:14 | Griffith, Scott
| 4425 | 21:25 | Heck, Ken
| 2060 | 17:46 | Huber, Kerin **
| 3555 | 16:34 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 1679 | 16:34 | Mangin, L. John
| 5471 | 21:41 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 3112 | 16:34 | Rupel, Ray
| 6276 | 18:34 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 8564 | 20:06 | Stanton, Laurie *
| 8565 | 16:34 | Stanton, Mark
* First 400k Brevet finish!
** First Colo. Brevet!
| Mildest, Greenest Lefthand 400k in Some Time!
16 starters and 13 finishers enjoyed an overall splendid spring day, mild from start to finish and verdant with our spring rains.
We would especially like to congratulate Laurie Stanton on her first 400k. We also had the pleasure of a visit from Kerin Huber, who organizes a number of brevets for the PCH Randonneurs (Los Angeles region), and is a veteran of many a distance cycling event including multiple 1200k's.
- John Lee Ellis

Jeremy Shlachter, Laurie Stanton, John Manging, Kerin Huber, Tom Knoblauch, Mark Stanton, Paul Foley and Vernon Smith at Niwot.

Jeremy Shlachter and Kerin Huber climbing Lefthand Canyon.
-- 18 May 2013 -- Cripple Creek - Pine Junction
| Time
| Rider
| 1471 | 16:01 | Foley, Paul
| 6276 | 18:36 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 3108 | 16:01 | Shenk, Catherine
| 1842 | 16:01 | Smith, Vernon
| Cheeriest Cripple Creek 300k Yet?
Many thanks to Vernon Smith for designing, leading and riding this third CC 300k! Some remarks from Vernon:
"The weather was just about perfect. Knee warmers, arm warmers and vest to the top of Ute Pass (9,165 feet) worked well for me. Then add gloves for the typically very cold Twin Rocks Road/CR 1 section to Cripple Creek. Then might as well keep them on for the descent from top of the Cripple Creek hill (over 10,000 feet) to Divide. Then you can shed some clothes for the section down to Deckers (5,600 feet) and then the two significant climbs out of Deckers to Pine Junction. More climbs and descents back to Deckers and Woodland Park. We left Woodland Park (8,200 feet) around 6:30 PM so I put jacket, vest, gloves and skull cap on to stay warm until the lowlands of Colorado Springs (6,400 feet).
"I know more riders could complete the brevet if they were willing to drive from Denver and spend a longer than usual time in the saddle for a 300km brevet. But on a day like we had, it is well worth it."
- Vernon Smith

Vernon Smith sporting his Colorado High Country jersey and Catherine Shenk near Cripple Creek.

Vernon Smith and Paul Foley on the Deckers road in front of Pikes Peak.
-- 18 May 2013 -- Jamestown - Raymond
| — 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 3350 | 17:30 | Courtney, Greg
| 2434 | 17:30 | Flanigan, John
| | 15:45 | Howell, Craig *
| 5632 | 18:13 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 6026 | 13:10 | Lowe, Mark
| 8565 | 15:27 | Stanton, Mark *
* First 400k Brevet!
— 600km —
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 5897 | 17:50 | 29:10 | Cramer, Cathy
| 153 | 17:42 | 32:23 | Ellis, John Lee
| 3147 | 19:36 | 35:15 | Foss, Ronaele
| 3555 | 16:15 | 27:40 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 1679 | 17:45 | 28:56 | Mangin, L John
| 5471 | 20:47 | 35:46 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 3551 | 18:45 | 35:53 | Snavely, Henry
| Most Temperate Jamestown-Raymond 400k/600k Yet!
After a mild start, near 60°, temps stayed mild all day, with a front passage to cool things off. A few snowbanks left in Raymond.
We welcome our friend Greg Courtney, Iowa RBA and veteran of our Lefthand 400k and the Flèche.
Many thanks to Tammie Nakamura for collecting the control cards at the finish!
- John Lee Ellis

John Flanigan, Greg Courtney, and Todd LeBlanc in their 1200k jerseys.

A few snowbanks still left near Raymond.
-- 11 May 2013 -- Jamestown - Raymond
| Time
| Rider
| | 11:13 | Benoit, Diane
| | 11:13 | Bodeux, Reynald
| 5897 | 13:05 | Cramer, Cathy
| 6322 | 15:35 | Dean, Robert
| 153 | 12:37 | Ellis, John Lee
| 2434 | 12:04 | Flanigan, John
| 3856 | 13:09 | Handy, Leslie
| 4425 | 16:00 | Heck, Kenneth
| 8729 | 13:09 | Hueckman, Jill *
| 3555 | 13:40 | Knoblauch, Tom ®
| 5632 | 13:00 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 6026 | 9:19 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 11:52 | Mangin, L John
| 5471 | 16:01 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 8424 | 11:13 | Sarten, Mike
| 3551 | 14:04 | Snavely, Henry
| 8564 | 15:26 | Stanton, Laurie *
| 8565 | 11:13 | Stanton, Mark *
| 2307 | 12:45 | Walsh, Bryce **
| | 12:45 | White, Andy *
| | 12:45 | White, Kami *
® Pre-Ride
* First 300k Randonnée!
** First Colo. Randonnée!
| First Jamestown-Raymond 300k Ever!
22 starters and 21 finishers had a fine, fresh day to ride, the lush green of the fields against the backdrop of ice cream white mountains, sporting new fresh layers from the week. This new course substituted for the traditional Black Forest route, as road construction had made it impassable, with no feasible re-route.
Temps were mild all day, with a few sprinkles in St. Vrain Canyon and a few passing showers towards Loveland and Hygiene. Only a few snowbanks left in Raymond.
For a number of riders, their first 300k, and we welcome veteran rando Bryce Walsh who's moved here from Chicago.
Many thanks to Tammie Nakamura for collecting the control cards at the finish!
- John Lee Ellis

Snowy Longs and Meeker above green meadows.

The Raymond Store with snowmobile under wraps.
-- 3-4 May 2011 -- Colorado Front Range Flèche § ACP
Team Deer with Headlights - 232 Mi.
| Shenk, Catherine (6) - Captain
| Bachman, Greg *
| Grainger, Michelle (3)
| Le Goff, Steve (3)
Team Limousin ** - 233.5 Miles
| Myers, Brent (3) - Captain
| Long, Beth (3) - Captain
| Dean, Robert *
| Griffith, Scott *
* First flèche!
(x) xth flèche!
** New flèche team!
| Driest Flèche in Years?
Another 100% finishing rate! Chilly weather this year, but after a snowy, rainy, and generally wet spring, a dry flèche.
- Team Deer with Headlights rode a variant of their foothills route topping out at Stove Prairie.
- Team Limousin rode a big arc loop east of Denver and out on the plains.
Both teams were all smiles at the finish - congratulations!
- John Lee Ellis

Scott Griffith, Beth Long, Brent Myers, Bob Dean, Catherine Shenk, Michelle Grainger, Greg Bachman, Steve Le Goff.
-- 27 April 2013 -- Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| 6764 | 7:47 | Bachman, Greg
| | 7:16 | Benoit, Diane
| | 7:24 | Bodeux, Reynald
| 7851 | 11:10 | Brackbill, Matt **
| 6322 | 10:00 | Dean, Robert
| 7320 | 11:25 | Droege, David
| 6379 | 6:08 | Edwards, Billy
| 153 | 9:12 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1471 | 7:47 | Foley, Paul
| 8695 | 9:40 | Freeman, Jay
| 3856 | 7:47 | Handy, Leslie **
| 4425 | 10:30 | Heck, Kenneth
| | 7:30 | Horwood, Josh
| 8729 | 7:47 | Hueckman, Jill *
| 5632 | 9:19 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 2145 | 10:48 | Long, Beth
| 1679 | 7:12 | Mangin, L John
| 2129 | 10:48 | Myers, Brent
| 5471 | 11:20 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 5525 | 10:20 | Niedermier, Mark
| | 7:47 | Nourse, Patrick
| 1468 | 9:19 | Rapp, Brian
| | 6:42 | Rudolph, Steve
| 8424 | 7:47 | Sarten, Mike
| | 7:16 | Schaefer, Tim
| 6276 | 9:51 | Shlachter, Jeremy **
| 8694 | 8:20 | Sendor, Jon
| | 8:20 | Shannon, Kelly
| 3108 | 7:47 | Shenk, Catherine
| 1842 | 7:47 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 9:52 | Snavely, Henry
| 8564 | 9:29 | Stanton, Laurie
| 8565 | 7:24 | Stanton, Mark
| | 7:15 | Stingley, Seth *
* First 200k Randonnée!
** First Colo. Randonnée!
| Most Brilliantly Sunny Stove Prairie in Years!
34 starters and finishers had a glorious day to ride, six days after another April snow dump. As a result, sun and temps into the 70's put everyone in shorts and shirtsleeves, Poudre Canyon and Stove Prairie put snowy remnants on display in the northfacing shadows. And the trickling runoff aside the Stove Prairie north face were a fresh, calming note to those toiling up the grade. Plenty of signs, alas, of last summer's fire.
Many thanks to Tammie Nakamura for collecting the control cards at the finish ... and to Brent Myers for the giant writing implement.
- John Lee Ellis

Jeremy Shlachter surmounts another stiff climb into a stiff headwind above Horsetooth Reservoir.
-- 20 April 2013 -- Falcon-Limon-Kiowa
| Time
| Rider
| 6322 | 9:52 | Dean, Robert
| 8424 | 8:14 | Sarten, Mike
| 1842 | 7:52 | Smith, Vernon
| 8565 | 7:34 | Stanton, Mark
| 6234 | 9:02 | Warm, Ted
| Most Fortunate FLK 200k Yet?
6 starters and 5 finishers enjoyed an as-always-challenging but this time snow-flurry-free Falcon-Limon-Kiowa 200k. This after a foot of heavy spring snow only five days before!
Many thanks to route designer and dependably cheery Vernon Smith for putting together and leading this event.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 13 April 2013 -- Drake Doubleback
| Time
| Rider
| | 6:43 | Benoit, Diane
| | 8:11 | Bodeux, Reynald
| 5897 | 8:34 | Cramer, Cathy
| 6322 | 9:52 | Dean, Robert
| 153 | 8:36 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 7:36 | Foley, Paul
| 3147 | 10:39 | Foss, Ronaele
| 8695 | 7:36 | Freeman, Jay *
| 5417 | 8:12 | Grainger, Michelle
| | 6:39 | Groves, Tom *
| 4425 | 9:55 | Heck, Ken
| 3230 | 9:00 | Hoff, Peter
| | 6:42 | Howell, Craig *
| | 8:11 | Jensen, Keith
| 3555 | 8:20 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 5418 | 8:12 | Le Goff, Steve
| 8498 | 8:13 | Lien, John *
| 6026 | 6:15 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 7:36 | Mangin, L John
| 5471 | 10:53 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 5525 | 10:25 | Niedermier, Mark
| [7873] | 8:12 | Nourse, Patrick
| 8674 | 8:12 | Peacey, Kendrew *
| 7045 | 6:56 | Pfeil, Mark
| | 6:39 | Rudolph, Steve
| 8424 | 9:21 | Sarten, Mike *
| | 6:43 | Schaefer, Tim
| | 11:15 | Sirmond, Bennett *
| 3551 | 8:51 | Snavely, Henry
| 8565 | 6:42 | Stanton, Mark
| | 8:06 | White, Andy *
| | 8:06 | White, Kami *
® Pre-Ride
* First 200k Randonnée!
| Mildest and Most Pleasant Drake Doubleback Yet?
32 starters and 31 finishers enjoyed a sunny, breezy, and sprinkle-free day for the first of season 200k brevet! Lots of first timers, as you can see by the asterisks to the left, so let's encourage them to come out for more.
Many thanks to the incontrovertible Tammie Nakamura, who got plaudits for her verve and style leading this event. Thank you so much, Tammie, as riders started their ride energized right out of the chute!
- John Lee Ellis

Steve Le Goff, Reynald Bodeux, Patrick Nourse, Michelle Grainger, Keith Jensen, and Kendrew Peaceay showing happy faces at the finish!