2007 Brevet
Series in Review
110 cyclists participated in one or more brevets or populaires, down from 147 the prior year (half of this decrease due to no Last Chance 1200k this year). The table below shows the rides and their ridership:
| Riders
| Length | Type | Route | ’07 Date
| 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999
| 116km | populaire | Keenesburg | 8-Apr | x | 43 | 28
| 29 | x | 17 | - | - | -
| 120km | populaire | Horsetooth | 15-Apr | 44 | 28 | x
| 11 | 28 | 13 | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Arizona-NM | 23-Apr | - | 10 | 10 | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 120km | populaire | Estes Park | 28-Apr | 28 | 28 | 21
| 4 | 18 | x | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Stove Prairie | 5-May | 50 | 58 | 52
| 53 | 56 | 39 | 24 | 16 | 19
| 200km | brevet | Kersey - Hudson* | 12-May | 24 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 24 hr | flèche | Front Range | 12-May | 12 | 4 | 9
| 9 | 7 | 5 | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Black Forest | 19-May | 41 | 48 | 35 | 33 | 50 | 22 | 19 | 12 | 16
| 300km | brevet | Peak-to-Peak* | 26-May | 13 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 400km | brevet | Lefthand | 2-Jun | 31 | 35 | 29 | 28 | 42 | 14 | 8 | 10 | 17
| 600km | brevet | Lefthand* | 2-Jun | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 400km | brevet | Devil's Gulch* | 16-Jun | 5 | - | - | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 600km | brevet | Devil's Gulch | 16-Jun | 24 | 24 | 14
| 21 | 40 | 10 | 8 | 5 | 21
| 1000km | brevet | Lefthand - Ft. Morgan | 16-Jun | 1 | 1
| 3 | 3 | 4 | 1 | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Grand Loop** | 7-Jul | 11 | 22 | 17
| 13 | 8 | 6 | 3 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Barr Lake | Jul | - | - | -
| 4 | - | - | - | - | -
| 1000km | brevet | Lefthand-Ft. Morgan | 15-Jul | - | x | 1 | - | - | - | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Black Forest | 28-Jul | 19 | 8 | 21
| 20 | - | - | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Denver-Aspen*** | 4-Aug | 11 | 18 | 22
| 17 | 21 | - | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Durango* | 12-Aug | - | 14 | -
| - | - | - | - | - | -
| 300km | brevet | Peak-to-Peak | 7-Jul | 10 | 11 | 10 | 12 | - | - | - | - | -
| 1200km | randonnée | Last Chance | 13-Sep | - | 34 | 32
| 14 | - | 13 | 4 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Copper Triangle | 16-Sep | - | x | 17 | 9 | x | 11 | - | - | -
| 200km | brevet | Stove Prairie | 22-Sep | 21 | 19 | 15
| 15 | 20 | 12 | 13 | - | -
| 125km | populaire | Apple Valley | 7-Oct | 7 | 5 | 14
| 10 | - | - | - | - | -
| Totals | 353 | 376 | 351
| 305 | 293 | 166 | 80 | 43 | 73
| Distinct Riders | 110 | 147 | 134 | 115 | 92 | | | |
“-” = not scheduled “x” = cancelled * = new for 2007
** Peak-to-Peak substituted (construction), *** Black Forest substituted (construction)
Thank you for riding with us. We hope they've been satisfying for you, and that 2008 will offer you further chances for
personal accomplishment and comaraderie with others.
Some highlights from this year:
- Colorado Front Range Flèche – Resurgence of participation: three teams, four riders apiece.
- PBP Qualifying Brevets – Added second 200k (Kersey-Hudson), second 300k (Black Forest), 600k option to 400k date and vice versa. No Peak-to-Peak 300k in August because of PBP.
- Paris-Brest-Paris – Reasonably-sized cadre, 22 starters (but down from 28 in 2003) and a finishing rate on par with US finishing rate (and better for rookies).
A Special Thanks to our Volunteers – RMCC President Charlie Henderson, who ran the summer Black Forest 200k and 300k; RMCC secretary Tom Foss, who handled registration for the entire series; and Jim Kraychy who ran some of the populaires.
-- 22 September 2007 -- Stove Prairie - Poudre Canyon - Horsetooth §
| Time
| Rider
| 8:06 | Aleda, Kathryn *
| | 7:05 | Bartow, Don *
| | 6:46 | Benoit, Diane
| 4519 | 9:19 | Cochenour, John
| 153 | 7:21 | Ellis, John Lee
| | 8:10 | Guastella, Keith *
| 3147 | 9:47 | Foss, Ronaele
| 3230 | 7:56 | Hoff, Peter
| | 7:21 | Howe, James
| | 6:15 | Kalisch, Tim
| 2444 | 6:56 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 4585 | 7:52 | Koenig, Andrea *
| 2856 | 6:15 | Kraychy, Jim
| | 9:53 | Levine, Anna *
| 2442 | 8:36 | Nawrocki, Dave
| 1468 | 7:24 | Rapp, Brian **
| | 6:15 | Rudolph, Steve
| 4528 | 8:30 | Shields, Dan
| 3551 | 7:55 | Snavely, Henry
| | 7:52 | Struzeski, Kevin
| 4572 | 9:53 | Sutton, Leslie *
| * First 200k!
| ** First Colo. Brevet!
| Fastest (and Sunniest?) 200k Yet!
A record 21 starters basked in brilliant sun ... as they proceeded to scorch the course. The fastest riders broke the previous course record (6:22 in 2005), and most everyone had quite a good day.
Gold-flecked foliage just beginning to turn at lower elevations punctuated the course, and the crystal clear air made everything seem clean and bright. Once again Ronaele Foss's husband Paul graciously provided assistance, in the form of chilled water at Stove Prairie, all the more welcome after baking up the strenuous 14-mile climb.
Quite a contrast to the chill, showery, windy, and sleet-prone conditions of last May's Stove Prairie 200k.
A big welcome to the six riders doing their first brevet ever, and to veteran endurance cyclist Brian Rapp, who just moved here from California. We were also joined by three Paris-Brest-Paris '07 finishers (Brian, Tom Knoblauch, and JLE), who precisely a month before were zeroing in on the finish line at St. Quentins-en-Yvelines!
A final congratulations to everyone riding the 2007 brevets on what we hope was a successful, fun, and rewarding season.
- John Lee Ellis
 Brian Rapp, Paul Foss, and Andrea Koenig at Stove Prairie
|  Jim Howe, John Lee Ellis, Diane Benoit, Don Bartow, Brian Rapp, Tom Knoblauch, and Jim Kraychy at finish
-- 4 August 2007 -- Black Forest §
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 14:38 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 4405 | 13:20 | Banks, Debra
| 4257 | 13:20 | Cooper, Lara
| 3147 | 15:40 | Foss, Ronaele
| 908 | 14:39 | Fox, Mike
| 471 | 12:16 | Fulton, Mike
| 1060 | 12:16 | Grealish, Chris
| 4433 | 13:20 | Loflin, Sandra
| 3555 | 10:22 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3589 | 12:25 | Nansel, Alan
| 2936 | 14:38 | Tankovich, Bill
| * First 200k!
| Latest Black Forest 300k Yet!
For several of the 11 starters, this was their last tune-up before Paris-Brest-Paris. The Black Forest route is the closest we have to PBP's, much more similar than the Denver-Aspen 300k it substituted for this year (because of construction on US-285).
Tom Knoblauch continued his fine form and brisk pace, while Mike Fulton and Chris Grealish rode in together in a show of camaraderie typical of PBP.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 28 July 2007 -- Black Forest §
| Time
| Rider
2844 | 6:17 | Dodge, Tim
| 3147 | 9:40 | Foss, Ronaele
| 2032 | 9:15 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 9:35 | Fox, Mike
| | 6:17 | Kalisch, Tim
| 3555 | 6:48 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 2854 | 6:17 | Kraychy, Jim
| 2145 | 8:08 | Long, Beth
| 2129 | 8:08 | Myers, Brent
| | 9:11 | Newton, Gerry
| | 9:11 | Parry, Diana
| | 8:58 | Pflug, Sandy
| | 7:02 | Rosenthal, Harris
| | 11:01 | Saranson, Jay *
| 4563 | 11:01 | Steenburg, Pat *
| | 7:02 | Shannon, Kelly
| | 9:14 | Stanford, David *
| 2993 | 7:58 | Wiss, Dick
| * First 200k!
| Mildest Black Forest 200k Yet!
Of 19 starters, 18 finished the only exception occasioned by a mechanical problem. Despite at times very ominous looking dark areas of sky, riders stayed dry rather than drenched and temps were moderate for late July. Thanks go to Paul Brown, the husband of rider Ronaele Foss, who provided ice and cold water to everyone at the checkpoints, while supporting his wife.
Special thanks to Tom Foss for leading this one.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 7 July 2007 -- Peak-to-Peak §
| Time
| Rider
153 | 13:56 | Ellis, John Lee
| 908 | 16:42 | Fox, Mike *
| | 12:13 | Gordon, Sean *
| 3555 | 12:13 | Knoblauch, Tom *
| 2442 | 16:00 | Nawrocki, Dave *
| * First Peak-to-Peak 300k!
| Hottest, Most Rider-Winnowing Peak-to-Peak 300k Yet!
Of 11 starters, only 5 finished this extended jaunt at altitude - a 55% dropout rate unprecedented for this or any brevet. May 26th's Peak-to-Peak had offered about the best weather we've had for the Peak-to-Peak 300k, which is usually held in August, where the big challenge is to get to Estes Park ahead of the monsoon, and then get through the baking Plains.
The July edition provided very mild, breezy conditions at altitude on the Peak-to-Peak Highway, even up to the two 9,100-foot summittings, and later on some fairly broiling temps beyond Platteville. From that Platteville vantage point, more than one rider was eyeing the storms a-brewing in the foothills and envying the shade they provided ... which did reach them, albeit at the price of wind, squalls, and generally tumultuous weather. (The image of whitecaps on Baseline Lake in Boulder stands out.)
Special thanks to Sean Gordon from Phoenix and John Dilsaver from SW Missouri for joining us. To all appearances, Sean had a great time, finishing first with Tom Knoblauch, while John praised the challenging but scenic mountainous segments, and put in a worthy effort.
- John Lee Ellis
P.S. This Peak-to-Peak was substituted for the Grand Loop because of repaving on Trail Ridge Road. Contrary to expectations, it proved to be at least as tough!
-- 16 June 2007 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch - Ft. Morgan - Big Thompson §
| Windiest 1000k Too! (See 600k.)
Of the 1 rider who started this 1000k, one deserves special mention: Tom Reeder ventured from Alexandria VA and fresh from a successful, PBP-qualifying SR series there to tune up for PBP. Tom enjoyed the St. Vrain Canyon climb and the sublime views above Estes Park despite oxygen challenges, and enjoyed the prairie, too. (Do we see a possible Last Chance 1200k candidate?) Tom rode a full 600k, to Wiggins, before declaring his full quotient of fun, so a big commendation to Tom, and we hope to see him in future!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 16 June 2007 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch §
| Time
| Rider
| 20:05 | Pogorelz, Robert
| 3112 | 17:56 | Rupel, Ray
| 3615 | 20:32 | Sauve, Robert
| | 16:35 | Shannon, Kelly *
| | 17:03 | Young, David *
| * First 400k!
| Windiest 400k Too! (See 600k.)
Of the 5 riders on this 400k, they naturally shared the collective experience of those on the first loop of the 600k (below). But riders like Kelly Shannon, upping the distance ante from his Denver-Aspen Classic and Peak-to-Peak 300k experience, seemed remarkably to have enough steam left to battle the big winds in for the home stretch.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 16 June 2007 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch §
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 20:50 | 35:25 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 410 | 17:31 | 31:13 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 22:04 | 34:30 | Barday, Robert
| 4257 | 16:25 | 31:22 | Cooper, Lara *
| 1618 | 16:25 | 31:00 | Crossland, Ann
| 153 | 16:25 | 31:22 | Ellis, John Lee
| 796 | 19:39 | 33:50 | Farnsworth, Rex
| 1471 | 18:50 | 35:11 | Foley, Paul
| 908 | 22:55 | 38:37 | Fox, Mike
| 471 | 15:40 | 24:48 | Fulton, Mike
| 6 | 19:40 | 34:15 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3230 | 17:31 | 31:02 | Hoff, Peter
| 4430 | 17:34 | 31:22 | Jilka, Mark *
| 3555 | 15:28 | 26:13 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 18:44 | 30:25 | Koenig, Gary
| 2708 | 20:36 | 39:26 | Leinhart, Larry *
| 1679 | 17:31 | 31:13 | Mangin, John *
| | 20:36 | 39:32 | McLaughlin, Bill *
| 1842 | 18:45 | 35:11 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 17:46 | 33:55 | Snavely, Henry
| 2936 | 20:50 | 35:25 | Tankovich, Bill
| 341 | 19:18 | 30:55 | Werner, Glen
| 2993 | 19:51 | 28:20 | Wiss, Dick
| 2015 | 19:03 | 34:14 | Wong, Felix
| * First 600k!
| Windiest 600k Yet!
Of the 24 riders on this 600k, some were wondering: What was that nice wind wafting us up St. Vrain Canyon, and not turning to a headwind in the face of Longs Peak and Meeker? Smart riders opted for Glen Haven's tasty cinnamon rolls before facing what turned out to be at times a wall of wind heading south from Windsor to Louisville on the first loop. The second loop had less wind but more heat, 100 degrees in Greeley and a record 97 at DIA. Speedsters like Mike Fulton followed by Tom Knoblauch missed that treat, as they finished before dawn..
A special thank-you to Ray Rupel who rode the 400k event (having already ridden the 600k on June 2), and then drove back up to Kersey to help out riders through the night. That's the randonneur spirit!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 16 June 2007 -- Lefthand Canyon - Ft. Morgan - Big Thompson §
No registrants for this one.
-- 2 June 2007 -- Lefthand Canyon §
| Time
| Rider
3112 | 26:59 | Rupel, Ray
| Most Thunderstorm-Free 600k Yet?
Stay tuned for details!.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 2 June 2007 -- Lefthand Canyon §
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 20:28 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 410 | 18:05 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 22:15 | Barday, Bob
| 4257 | 15:49 | Cooper, Lara *
| 153 | 15:49 | Ellis, John Lee
| 796 | 19:49 | Farnsworth, Rex
| 1471 | 16:27 | Foley, Paul
| 2032 | 18:14 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 22:25 | Fox, Mike
| 471 | 14:02 | Fulton, Michael
| | 16:27 | Hallam, Eric
| 6 | 19:52 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3230 | 16:36 | Hoff, Peter
| 3555 | 14:02 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 15:19 | Koenig, Gary
| 2708 | 17:23 | Leinhart, Larry
| 4525 | 16:27 | Liekdke, Brian
| 1679 | 16:40 | Mangin, John *
| | 21:55 | McLaughlin, Bill
| 3589 | 17:19 | Nansel, Alan
| | 18:04 | Pogorelz, Robert
| 3615 | 20:25 | Sauvé, Robert
| 1842 | 16:27 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 17:44 | Snavely, Henry
| 2936 | 20:28 | Tankovich, Bill
| | 17:17 | Valdez, Michael *
| 341 | 18:05 | Werner, Glen
| 2993 | 15:19 | Wiss, Dick
| | 19:11 | Wong, Felix *
| * First 400k!
| Most Thunderstorm-Free 400k Yet!
31 starters headed out on this green, mild 400k. There was a bit of ground fog to start but great weather at altitude. The afternoon brought a widespread smattering of showers (not forecast), but no big thunder.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 26 May 2007 -- Peak-to-Peak §
| Time
| Rider
4406 | 17:05 | Busch, Mike *
| 2401 | 12:45 | deRosset, William
| 153 | 12:30 | Ellis, John Lee
| 3600 | 12:14 | Koenig, Gary *
| | 14:05 | Marwitz, Curtis *
| | 17:05 | McLaughlin, Bill *
| | 14:09 | Nading, Jeffrey *
| 3615 | 14:12 | Sauvé, Robert *
| | 12:59 | Shannon, Kelly *
| 3557 | 14:15 | Snavely, Henry
| 4475 | 13:36 | Wimmer, Steve *
| | 13:35 | Young, David *
| * First Peak-to-Peak 300k!
| Mildest, Driest Peak-to-Peak 300k Yet!
Of 13 starters, 12 finished this extended jaunt at altitude. It was about the best weather we've had for the Peak-to-Peak 300k, which is usually held in August, where the big challenge is to get to Estes Park ahead of the monsoon, and then get through the baking Plains. The price to pay was some early-morning chill climbing Coal Creek Canyon.
For most riders, it was their first Peak-to-Peak 300k, and some opined this was a nice time of year to run it.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 19 May 2007 -- Black Forest §
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 14:35 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 410 | 12:29 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 15:35 | Barday, Bob
| 4257 | 11:41 | Cooper, Lara *
| | 9:27 | Edwards, Billy *
| 153 | 11:59 | Ellis, John Lee
| 796 | 13:13 | Farnsworth, Rex
| | 9:27 | Feldman, Tim
| 1471 | 11:18 | Foley, Paul
| 2032 | 13:39 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 15:35 | Fox, Mike
| 471 | 9:27 | Fulton, Michael
| | 11:18 | Hallam, Eric
| 6 | 13:19 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3230 | 12:50 | Hoff, Peter
| 2313 | 10:28 | Howe, James
| 4430 | 15:20 | Jilka, Mark *
| | 10:18 | Kalisch, Tim
| 3555 | 9:37 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 11:41 | Koenig, Gary
| | 14:20 | Kone, Michael *
| 1635 | 10:28 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| 2708 | 11:30 | Leinhart, Larry
| 1679 | 12:14 | Mangin, John *
| | 15:25 | McLaughlin, Bill *
| | 10:40 | Miller, Tim
| 2145 | 15:00 | Myers, Beth
| 2129 | 15:00 | Myers, Brent
| 3589 | 12:29 | Nansel, Alan
| 2442 | 15:20 | Nawrocki, Dave *
| 3112 | 11:30 | Rupel, Ray
| 3615 | 12:19 | Sauvé, Robert
| 4528 | 14:05 | Shields, Dan *
| 1842 | 11:18 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 12:23 | Snavely, Henry
| 309 | 15:50 | Staggs, Ben
| 2936 | 14:35 | Tankovich, Bill *
| | 11:30 | Valdez, Michael
| 341 | 13:13 | Werner, Glen
| 2993 | 11:41 | Wiss, Dick
| | 14:07 | Wong, Felix *
| * First 300k Brevet!
| Greenest Black Forest 300k Yet!
All41 starters finished admirably. It was some of the best weather we've had for the Black Forest 300k: sunny, dry, mild, with a tailwind outbound yet limited headwind on the way back. There were some gusts, sprinkles, and showers at the very finish for some riders, a bit of spice for an otherwise spotless event. It also offered some of the lushest landscapes, after a showery spring and snowpacked winter.
As you see from the results, there were a fair number of first-timers at this distance: congratulations to you all! For a few of you, it was a warm-up for the Peak-to-Peak 300k the next weekend (stay tuned!).
- John Lee Ellis
-- 12 May 2007 -- Colorado Front Range Flèche §
Team Prairie Dog - 228.1 Miles
| Barday, Bob (3)
| Ellis, John Lee (captain) (6)
| Farnsworth, Rex (5)
| Henderson, Charlie (5)
Team Falcon - 241.1 Miles
| Jeter, Lukas *
| Loflin, Sandra *
| Shenk, Catherine *
| Simmons, Eric (captain) (3)
Team Antelope - 238 Miles
| Fulton, Mike *
| Knoblauch, Tom (captain) *
| Pogorelz, Robert *
| Snavely, Henry *
* First flèche!
(x) xth flèche!
| Widest-Ranging
Flèche Yet!
Three four-rider teams started and completed this year's flèche, up from one the year before. And seven of the twelve riders were flèche rookies! In fact, one whole team, Team Antelope, was composed entirely of rookies! Reasonable to very good weather graced this year's flèche, a good thing considering how ride-ranging the routes were: from Falcon outside of Colorado Springs to Rawlins, Wyoming.
Team Antelope's plans to cross the Snowy Range were stymied because the road was still closed for the winter, so they had to settle for an arc around the range, through Laramie, and with a final hump over Horsetooth Reservoir. True to their name, they were accosted by an antelope leaping up to join them and, fortunately, veering off at the last minute.
Team Falcon chose its traditional low-tree-count route, starting in Falcon, and passing through Limon, Last Chance, and Brush.
Team Prairie Dog also followed it's traditional Front Range route, and also as usual, was disappointed to find the Glen Haven store was not opening until the following Saturday - another flèche sans cinnamon rolls!
- John Lee Ellis
-- 12 May 2007 -- "Kersey Kick" §
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 8:55 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 4406 | 9:10 | Busch, Mike
| | 9:16 | Cochenour, William
| | 9:55 | Cochenour, John
| 2401 | 6:50 | deRosset, William
| 2900 | 8:34 | Dick, Nathan
| 1471 | 6:50 | Foley, Paul
| 2032 | 8:34 | Foss, Tom
| 908 | 9:17 | Fox, Mike
| 2643 | 7:55 | Gallo, Felix
| 1060 | 6:50 | Grealish, Chris
| 3230 | 7:5 | Hoff, Peter
| 3600 | 7:4 | Koenig, Gary
| 4404 | 8:11 | Kone, Michael *
| 4248 | 9:17 | Liden, John
| | 9:30 | McLaughlin, Bill *
| 3199 | 8:50 | Odorizzi, Greg
| | 9:55 | Rohling, Jeromy *
| 3615 | 8:11 | Sauvé, Robert
| 2936 | 8:55 | Tankovich, Bill
| 341 | 8:50 | Werner, Glen
| 2993 | 7:4 | Wiss, Dick
| * First Brevet!
| Straight to Summer - Fast, Flat, and Windy!
Out of 24 starters, there were 22 official finishers. In marked contrast to the cool and threatening (shower, sleet, and hail) conditions of the previous Saturday's 200k, this one was sunny, toasty, windy, and far less "grade-challenged." No cattle guards, either, but more feedlots.
Early riders posted really good times, including Will deRosset, the compleat randonneur, in company of Chris Grealish, on the march back from triumphs at BMB'02 (first finisher), PBP'03 (second American rider to cross the finish line), Ride Around Oregon (placing third), and the brutal XX Alps ultra-event ... plus the unflappable Paul Foley who simply rides strongly and manages to finish as far near the front as he pleases.
Most of the field had great conditions the first half, but battled fierce Plains headwinds, abetted by storm cells, after Kersey and Hudson.
Some riders apparently couldn't get enough of the 200k experience, having also ridden the hilly, showery 200k the week before: Gary Koenig, Dick Wiss, and Larry Leinhart.
As 200k rides were soaking up the sun, I wonder if they reflected on the Fleche riders starting from Wyoming, Colorado Springs, and the local area, on their on, quite different mission that weekend, and finishing Sunday morning. (See their report here!)
This is the first time running this route as a 200k brevet: it is based on the second loop of our 600k, and has more recently been offered as a Permanent Brevet, the "Kersey Kick."
A big thanks goes to RMCC Secretary and Brevet Series registration tsar Tom Foss who managed this 200k, and provided the registered riders with rider/address/RUSA# labels as were available on some of last year's brevets.
- John Lee Ellis
-- 5 May 2007 -- Horsetooth - Poudre - Stove Prairie §
| Time
| Rider
1936 | 9:21 | Abernathy, Stacy
| 156 | 8:55 | Augenstein, Larry
| 4405 | 8:57 | Banks, Debra *
| 410 | 9:20 | Baranczyk, Merle
| 818 | 10:27 | Barday, Bob
| | 7:39 | Benoit, Diane
| | 8:57 | Bodeux, Reynald
| 4406 | 10:37 | Busch, Mike
| 4257 | 8:13 | Cooper, Lara *
| 2401 | 7:45 | deRossett, William
| 2844 | 6:43 | Dodge, Tim
| 153 | 8:25 | Ellis, John Lee
| 796 | 9:13 | Farnsworth, Rex
| | 7:15 | Feldman, Tim *
| 2434 | 7:58 | Flanigan, John
| 1471 | 7:58 | Foley, Paul
| 908 | 11:35 | Fox, Mike
| 471 | 6:33 | Fulton, Michael
| | 7:57 | Hallam, Eric
| | 8:38 | Haskins, Josh *
| 6 | 9:20 | Henderson, Charlie
| 3585 | 11:37 | Herget, Scott
| 2866 | 9:21 | Jeter, Lukas
| | 6:33 | Kalisch, Tim
| 3555 | 8:27 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 3600 | 8:10 | Koenig, Gary
| 2856 | 6:33 | Kraychy, Jim
| 1635 | 7:15 | Kroonenberg, Stuart
| 2708 | 7:42 | Leinhart, Larry
| 4433 | 8:13 | Loflin, Sandra *
| 1679 | 8:25 | Mangin, John *
| | 8:38 | Marwitz, Curtis *
| 4192 | 8:0 | Michel, Mark
| 2145 | 8:57 | Myers, Beth
| 2129 | 8:57 | Myers, Brent
| | 8:38 | Nading, Jeffrey *
| 3589 | 8:57 | Nansel, Alan
| 2442 | 9:37 | Nawrocki, Dave *
| | 8:27 | Pogorelz, Robert
| 3112 | 8:50 | Rupel, Ray
| 3615 | 9:15 | Sauvé, Robert
| 1842 | 7:57 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 8:58 | Snavely, Henry
| 309 | 10:27 | Staggs, Ben
| 2936 | 9:21 | Tankovich, Bill
| | 7:42 | Valdez, Michael
| 4475 | 8:8 | Wimmer, Steve *
| 2993 | 8:10 | Wiss, Dick
| | 7:58 | Young, David *
| * First Brevet!
| Broodingest 200k Ever!
Out of 50 starters, there were 49 official finishers. This strong turnout seemed itself remarkable, given the dour weather forecast, threatening skies, and a number of riders awakening to showers where they live. As riders climbed the spine of the Horsetooth hogback, they could gaze across at a dark purple cloudmass glowering back at them. Fortunately, our normal, foothills route took us in the other direction.
Most riders descended Stove Prairie through an assortment of rain, sleet, and hail, but for many, that was about it in terms of precip. A few less lucky got really soaked later on. But the weather only enhanced the lush green canyons and hillsides, our wet spring and snowy summer making for an almost Scottish Highlands landscape.
Welcome new riders Debra Banks, Lara Cooper, Tim Feldman, Josh Haskins,
Sandra Loflin, Jeff Nading, John Mangin, Curtis Marwitz, Dave Nawrocki, Steve Wimmer, and David Young.
Thanks to all who came out for this overheating-free climbfest ... and a special thanks to Will deRossett who pre-rode the route and then acted as the LaPorte checkpoint on event day, looking convincingly official.
- John Lee Ellis