Randonneurs  USA

Colorado Brevet Series 2008
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club
Randonneurs USA

Rocky Mountain Cycling Club

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2008 Brevet Series Results

Kersey 200km - Apr 19   |   Arizona 200km - Apr 20   |   Stove Prairie 200km - May 3   |   Flèche - May 8   |   Black Forest 300km - May 17   |  
400km - June 7   |   600km - June 7   |   1000km - June 7   |   600km - June 21   |   400km - June 21   |   1000km - June 21
Denver-Aspen 300k - Jun 28   |   Woodland Park - July 12   |   Coffee Cup 300k - July 19   |  Peak-to-Peak 300k - Aug 9   |  Black Forest 200km - Aug 16
  |  Last Chance 1200k - Sept 10-13   |  Stove Prairie 200k - Sept 20

Results Certification
For ACP-sanctioned events (noted below) our results postings are technically preliminary -
indicated by "§" below - pending certification from the ACP.
Consult the RUSA Result Processing Status for ACP certification and other processing status.
You can find your certification numbers at RUSA Results Search.


2008 Brevet Series in Review
Thank you for riding the brevets and populaires with us! We hope they've been satisfying for you, and that the 2009 Brevets will offer you further chances for personal accomplishment and comaraderie with others. This table shows the Brevet Series over time:
Length Type Route ’08 Date 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999
106km populaire Carter Lake * 23-Mar 16 - - - - - - - - -
116km populaire Keenesburg 6-Apr 26 x 43 28 29 x 17 - - -
120km populaire Horsetooth 13-Apr 28 44 28 x 11 28 13 - - -
200km brevet Kersey - Hudson 19-Apr 39 24 - - - - - - - -
200km brevet Arizona-NM 20-Apr 7 - 10 10 - - - - - -
120km populaire Estes Park 26-Apr 6 28 28 21 4 18 x - - -
200km brevet Stove Prairie 3-May 41 50 58 52 53 56 39 24 16 19
24 hr flèche Front Range 8-May 19 12 4 9 9 7 5 - - -
300km brevet Black Forest 17-May 21 41 48 35 33 50 22 19 12 16
300km brevet Peak-to-Peak *** 26-May - 13 - - - - - - - -
400km brevet Lefthand 7-Jun 15 31 35 29 28 42 14 8 10 17
600km brevet Lefthand - Kersey 7-Jun 2 1 - - - - - - - -
1000km brevet Lefthand - Ft. Morgan * 7-Jun 1 - - - - - - - - -
400km brevet Devil's Gulch 21-Jun 2 5 - - - - - - - -
600km brevet Devil's Gulch - Kersey 21-Jun 10 24 24 14 21 40 10 8 5 21
1000km brevet Devil's Gulch - Ft. Morgan 21-Jun 0 1 1 3 3 4 1 - - -
300km brevet Grand Loop 12-Jul 11² 22 17 13 8 6 3 - -
125km populaire Barr Lake Jul - - - - 4 - - - - -
1000km brevet Lefthand-Ft. Morgan 15-Jul - - x 1 - - - - - -
300km brevet Denver-Aspen 28-Jun 9 11¹ 18 22 17 21 - - - -
300km brevet Coffee Cup Classic * 19-Jul 4 - - - - - - - - -
200km brevet Durango 12-Aug - - 14 - - - - - - -
300km brevet Peak-to-Peak 9-Aug 10 10 11 10 12 - - - - -
200km brevet Black Forest 16-Aug 6 19 8 21 20 - - - - -
1200km gr. randonnée Last Chance 13-Sep 39 - 34 32 14 - 13 4 - -
125km populaire Copper Triangle 16-Sep - - x 17 9 x 11 - - -
200km brevet Stove Prairie 22-Sep 16 21 19 15 15 20 12 13 - -
125km populaire Apple Valley 5-Oct 15 7 5 14 10 - - - - -
Totals   319 353 376 351 305 293 166 80 43 73
Distinct Riders   121 110 147 134 115 92        
“-” = not scheduled this year “x” = cancelled  * = new this year  *** Offered for PBP.
¹ Black Forest substituted (construction)
² Peak-to-Peak substituted (construction)
³ Woodland Park 272km substituted (construction)

More detail: Consolidated 2008 Rider Results

Some highlights from this year:

  • Colorado Last Chance 1200k – Largest ridership, highest finishing rate, and highest foreign participation yet! And best volunteer support yet, too, as the riders attested.
  • Colorado Front Range Flèche – Highest participation, and thanks to weather, illness, and breakdowns, highest non-finishing rate yet!
  • New Events – The new Carter Lake populaire in March was a success despite Colorado "spring" conditions (frosty). The high mountain Coffee Cup Classic 300k had a 100% finishing rate on a flawless, sunny day, in a summer that spared us monsoons.
A Special Thanks to our Volunteers – RMCC Secretary Tom Foss, who handled registration for the entire series, RMCC President Charlie Henderson, who was Trail Boss on the Last Chance 1200k; to Tom, Jim Kraychy, Dan Shields, Brent and Beth Myers who ran populaires, and to Catherine Shenk who designed and ran the Coffee Cup Classic.

Bonne route and see you next year!

200km -- 20 September 2008 -- Stove Prairie - Horsetooth  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
1537:36Ellis, John Lee
32308:54Hoff, Peter
6:48Kalisch, Tim
35557:08Knoblauch, Tom
45858:54Koenig, Andrea
28566:48Kraychy, Jim
7:59LeBlanc, Todd
451910:09Cochenour, John
452710:09Cochenour, William
16796:51Mangin, John
pend.8:53Isham, Rick
36158:17Sauve, Robert
31087:36Shenk, Catherine
45728:17Sutton, Leslie
8:05Takahashi, Irene
29938:17Wiss, Dick
Nicest September 200k Yet?

Sun and breezes greeted the 16 riders! Four of them had just finished the Last Chance 1200k a week before, and we're already fit and ready for action: Tom Knoblauch, Robert Sauvé, Catherine Shenk, and Dick Wiss.

Leslie Sutton, who staffed the Byers control for the Last Chance, also joined us, after riding the Last Chance 200k a week ago. Finally, we welcome two new riders, Todd LeBlanc and Rick Isham, doing their first 200k!

- John Lee Ellis

Pre-Autumnal Color in Poudre Canyon -- More Photos ...

200km -- 13 September 2008 -- Last Chance    
RUSA# Time   Rider
443011:29Jilka, Mark
457211:29Sutton, Leslie
11:29Takahashi, Irene
Best-Fed Last Chance 200k Yet!

Sun and breezes greeted the 4 starters and 3 finishers on this rolling point-to-point plainsfest! Leslie Sutton wrapped up her hard-working stint at the Byers control for the Last Chance 1200 and headed out to Last Chance, Colo. for the 8am departure, joined by Irene and Mark. Tasty food at the Rebel Burger in Keenesburg, and dessert in Platteville, made for a nutritionally generous ride, just the set-up for their finish at the Last Chance post-ride dinner at Carrabbas in Louisville that evening!

- John Lee Ellis

Leslie Sutton, Mark Jilka, Irene Takahashi

1000km -- 13 September 2008 -- Last Chance    
RUSA# Time   Rider
314771:30FOSS, Ronaele
1200k Worth of Experience in a 1000k!

See 1200k listing below!

- John Lee Ellis

1200km -- 13 September 2008 -- Last Chance    
RUSA# Time   Rider
369584:48BECKE, AlanHolland, MI
87:30BERZACOLA, ErnestoUsmate, Milano, Italy
100965:09BOL, TimothyMaitland, FL
89451:25BONNER, KenVictoria, BC, Canada
478363:14BOUHUYZEN, HenkToronto, ON, Canada
73:41CHAPPELLE, CareyPort Elgin, ON, Canada
335869:15COURTNEY, GregAmes, IA
393788:20DELGADO, PieroSan Juan, Puerto Rico
3232dnfELDER, JimOdessa, FL
392882:36FAFROWICZ, JoAnnDurham, NC
481963:14FELDMAN, TimLouisville, CO
501373:41FELTON, RichardSarnia, ON, Canada
78:08HOELTZENBEIN, PeterCalgary, AB, Canada
333764:39HUFFMAN, SamBanks, OR
318549:58IDE, LarryMonmouth, IL
355553:26KNOBLAUCH, TomAurora, CO
179564:55KRAMER, JohnWhite Salmon, WA
75:58LITTLE, BillPort Elgin, ON, Canada
467065:09LONGLEY, JudithDeland, FL
3055dnfMAZZOLA, JohnCedar Crest, NM
1899dnfMORRISSEY, PeterOakland, CA
500467:36MUONEKE, VincentBurien, WA
214583:51MYERS, BethDenver, CO
212983:51MYERS, BrentDenver, CO
286083:12OLSEN, MarkRochester, MN
281383:12OLSEN, WilliamCalifon, NJ
171683:51PENEGAR, DavidKnoxville, TN
352578:59PHELPS, JerryChapel Hill, NC
361582:36SAUVE, RobertLakewood, CO
334049:58SCHLITTER, JohnSaint Petersburg, FL
310863:14SHENK, CatherineBoulder, CO
4168:47SOLANICK, JamesLake Worth, FL
463882:12STUM, RichardMt Pleasant, UT
67:36TREVISAN, RobertoPorto Alegre, RS, Brazil
299363:14WISS, DickBoulder, CO
Most Expeditious Last Chance Yet!

Despite the heavy rains and stiff winds, this year's Last Chance had the highest finishing rate (91%) and record finishing times (two riders breaking 50 hours, two more coming in soon thereafter). Including the 1000k option, 36 intrepid riders started and 33 finished. More details:

Riders had rave reviews for our unstinting field volunteers: Charlie Henderson and Dan Shields at Atwood and Leslie Sutton and Eric Simmons at Byers. A special thanks to you!

- John Lee Ellis

Sunrise in Eastern Colorado. - C. Shenk photo, © 2008
Stories and More Photos ...

200km -- 16 August 2008 -- Black Forest - RUSA 10th Anniversary    
RUSA# Time   Rider
24019:02deRosset, Will
1539:09Ellis, John Lee
314710:46Foss, Ronaele
35559:10Knoblauch, Tom
31089:09Shenk, Catherine


Wettest, Chilliest, Blusteriest Black Forest 200k Yet!

It was a great day for marine-based life forms. Gushing rains, sleet, fog, blowing winds, and other meteorological phenomena graced this ride. Temps started out in the low 50's, ended up in the low 50's, and in between were in the 40's higher in the Black Forest region. Three of the riders were PBP'07 veterans and so this brevet allowed them to relive some of those soggy days a year ago. A true randonneuring experience!

- John Lee Ellis

Catherine Shenk writes: "Our spirits were high the entire day because we knew we were part of a national event where other randonneurs were smiling as they made their way on routes in the bright sunlight on windless days, somewhere, and you know, I felt sorry for them because, well, in the end how interesting would their tale be? What would they have to share? 'Oh look, I have a tan line…' " Read more ...

Will deRosset says: "The Black Forest area is always a treat to ride, and the exotic, cool weather was just a bonus. I love Weather, always have, and that ride gave me a heaping dose." Read more ...


300km -- 9 August 2008 -- Peak-to-Peak  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
15313:38Ellis, John Lee
314716:54Foss, Ronaele
443016:35Jilka, Mark
355512:55Knoblauch, Tom
146813:53Rapp, Brian
361514:56Sauve, Robert
12:55Shannon, Kelly
310813:40Shenk, Catherine
457216:35Sutton, Leslie *
16:30Takahashi, Irene *
* First 300k!


Most Comfortable Peak-to-Peak Yet!

All 10 riders finish this pleasant romp along the Peak-to-Peak Highway. Conditions were the best ever, with a mild start and climb up Coal Creek Canyon, mild, dry and sunny miles on the Peak-to-Peak Highway, and bountiful shade on the plains, bequeathed by the cloud plume from mountain storms. With temps in the 80's, the clouds really cut the heat factor, and combined with a NE tailwind, made for a comfortable return from Platteville.

Congratulations to everyone, especially Leslie Sutton and Irene Takahashi for whom this was their first 300k!

Thanks to Catherine Shenk for doing the pre-ride route checkout.

- John Lee Ellis

Indian Peaks on the Peak-to-Peak 300k -- More Photos ...

300km -- 19 July 2008 -- Coffee Cup Classic
RUSA# Time   Rider
481914:25Feldman, Tim *
355514:25Knoblauch, Tom *
311214:25Rupel, Ray *
* First Coffee Cup Classic!


First Coffee Cup Classic - Best Weather Yet!

4 riders started, and 3 finished the inaugural Coffee Cup Classic (previewed last year in abbreviated form, but this year as a full 300k funfest).

Tim Feldman writes: "Catherine [Shenk] sent us off with smiles, good wishes and a wonderful full moon. Colorado's dry year continued to shine on us, and the morning's headwind managed to turn around by the time we returned. Summit County and its bike routes were full as were the rivers and reservoirs. Sandwiches were enjoyed twice at the Frisco Safeway & Starbucks control. Returning over Loveland Pass is a tough climb, but Floyd Hill got what I refused to concede to the Pass: my lowest gear.

"And lest I forget, the most compelling story is that three of us (Tom, Ray and I) rode to the start and back home at the end, eschewing any internal combustion for the day. Ray gets the long commute award at about 31 miles each way, and Tom gets 2nd place. Perhaps we were participating in 'Bike to Brevet Day.' "

Ray Rupel writes: "A great ride! The weather was fantastic. Tom and Tim dragged me around Summit County, dropped me going up Loveland Pass, and then they weren't done torturing me, so they waited for me at the bottom (east side) of Loveland Pass, and dragged me around some more."

Thanks to Catherine Shenk for starting off this brevet ... and creating it!

- John Lee Ellis

< Photos at Loveland Pass: Tom Knoblauch and Tim Feldman; Ray Rupel.

272km -- 12 July 2008 -- Woodland Park
RUSA# Time   Rider
355511:44Knoblauch, Tom *
299311:44Wiss, Dick *
* First Woodland Park!
First Woodland Park Brevet in a While!

2 riders started, finished, and rode the entire brevet together. For both Tom and Dick, this was their first Woodland Park brevet. They enjoyed the backroads along the Rampart Range to Woodland Park and were graced by a tailwind on the way back north through Palmer Lake.

This brevet was last offered in 2003, as a 300k, with miles tacked on around Chatfield at the beginning. This year's course dispensed with this warmup to get riders to Pine Junction and off US-285 more expeditiously.

Thanks to Charlie Henderson for starting off this brevet!

- John Lee Ellis


300km -- 28 June 2008 -- Denver-Aspen
RUSA# Time   Rider
452717:08Cochenour, Will *
481913:38Feldman, Tim *
447817:10Freeman, Gary *
502518:53Groat, David *
362115:58Khalilinia, Shahin *
12:08Lowe, Mark *
502418:53Lyddon, Peter *
311213:38Rupel, Ray
361516:29Sauve, Robert
* First Denver-Aspen!
Best Denver-Aspen Weather Ever!

The Joe Lookingbill DENVER-ASPEN CLASSIC started at 4:00am on June 28th with nine riders, seven of them being first timers. (14 riders originally signed up.) In my 20 years of either riding or running this event I have never seen better weather. Little or no wind during the long ascent to the top of Kenosha Pass (close to 7000 feet of climbing in 58 miles), light crosswinds across South Park, some normal headwind up the Arkansas and nothing but white puffy clouds at the top of Independence with temperatures in the upper 50’s and bright sunshine.

All nine riders finished with the first crossing Independence at 2:55pm and finishing with a fast time of just over 12 hours. The last two showing the true GRIT and DETERMINATION of the randoneuring spirit descended Independence in the dark and made it to the finish at the Woody Creek Tavern. Both are new to long distance riding. Big congratulations to all nine riders for a tough ride well done.

- Charlie Henderson, ride leader and safety vehicle driver


600km -- 21 June 2008 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch  § ACP
RUSA# 400k Time   Rider
240116:1032:15deRosset, William
15316:3232:24Ellis, John Lee
481914:2023:00Feldman, Tim *
355516:4725:30Knoblauch, Tom
214519:3035:55Long, Beth
212921:0035:55Myers, Brent
361521:0034:16Sauve, Robert *
184218:3732:13Smith, Vernon
299316:1025:08Wiss, Dick
* First 600k!
Nicest 600k Yet!

9 out of 10 riders finished this mild and brilliantly sunny 600k, which shared the first 250 miles with the 400k brevet. A just-past-full moon lit the way for riders at the start, and through the next night. PBP'07 veteran Dick Wiss corroborated: "The weather all of Sat/Sun was the best of my short brevet history."

- John Lee Ellis

Sunrise on WCR 6, first sunrise of the summer


400km -- 21 June 2008 -- St. Vrain Canyon - Devil's Gulch  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
147118:37Foley, Paul
150320:35Simmons, Eric
As Nice as the 600k, Only Shorter!

2 out of 2 riders finished this mild and brilliantly sunny 400k, which shared its route with the first 250 miles with the 600k (q.v.).

- John Lee Ellis

1000km -- 7 June 2008 -- Lefthand 1000k  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
355548:44Knoblauch, Tom
Sprinkles, Chill, and a Century of Headwind!

The 1 starter finished this mild and brilliantly sunny 1000k, which shared the first 250 miles with the 400k and 600k brevets.

Despite battling 100 miles of headwinds all the way back from Fort Morgan on the second loop, and chilly temps especially the second night up to Estes Park, Tom Knoblauch bettered his previous time (of 49:20) for a pre-dawn 4:44am birthday finish.

Congratulations, Tom!!

- John Lee Ellis

Tom Knoblauch at the pre-finish, Buster barking inside


600km -- 7 June 2008 -- Lefthand 600k  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
150338:27Simmons, Eric
The Wind Turns!

1 out of 2 riders finished this mild and brilliantly sunny 600k, which shared the first 250 miles with the 400k brevet.

Light showers overnight, and then a punishing downslope wind made the finish a bit of a slog, but nothing the ridership couldn't handle!

- John Lee Ellis

Eric Simmons at the pre-finish, with Buster


400km -- 7 June 2008 -- Lefthand 400k  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
335817:34Courtney, Greg
240115:26deRosset, William
15316:51Ellis, John Lee
481916:51Feldman, Tim
447821:32Freeman, Gary
358525:21Herget, Scott
443021:39Jilka, Mark
214521:05Long, Beth
212921:05Myers, Brent
361518:35Sauve, Robert
exp.15:26Smith, Vernon
299318:52Wiss, Dick
Most Tailwinds Yet!

12 riders out of 15 finished this mild and brilliantly sunny 400k! A fresh coat of snow atop the Indian Peaks greeted riders toiling up Lefthand Canyon, along high water in the creek. Green carpets from recent rains decked the meadows and fields. Below-average temps made for a mild ride overall. And yes, it happened again: around about the time many riders made it to the northern turnaround at Wellington, the wind, which had been stiffly out of the south and east all day, veered around to waft the riders home from the north.

Riders were even treated to a couple of extra-credit miles in Fort Collins, and a few more from another detour in Windsor, as the troublesome climb on WCR 17 is being totally reconstructed.

We were graced by the presence of visitor Greg Courtney from Iowa, who managed a good performance while stopping to take many photos.

- John Lee Ellis

Indian Peaks from Peak-to-Peak Hwy. above Peaceful Valley


200km -- 17 May 2008 -- Black Forest 300k  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
81816:36Barday, Robert
451017:52Bergen, Larry
10:29Edwards, Billy
15313:06Ellis, John Lee
243412:13Flanigan, John
147112:23Foley, Paul
447815:20Freeman, Gary
502515:58Groat, David*
358517:52Herget, Scott
500713:28Hettinger, Dylan*
323013:41Hoff, Peter
355513:41Knoblauch, Tom
214513:45Long, Beth
458513:41Koenig, Andrea*
163512:05Kroonenberg, Stuart
502415:58Lyddon, Peter*
11:40McDonald, Sargent
212913:45Myers, Brent
361515:56Sauve, Robert
184212:23Smith, Vernon
299312:13Wiss, Dick
* First 300k!
Most Homebound Headwind Ever!

20 riders out of 21 finished this windy rollerfest, including all four 300k rookies! Ostensibly a perfect day, filled with sunshine, a mild start, and no shower activity whatsoever, a building NNW wind made itself felt even as riders turned north to the Elbert checkpoint - a mere taste of what they'd enjoy heading up precipitous inclines on Black Forest Road and Palmer Divide Road, the "brisk" wind adding to the challenge.

Plus, it was an unaccustomed if unwelcome novelty to be toiling downhill on 105 rather than being wafted by a huge tailwind. Kudos to the riders, and especially the 300k first-timers - David Groat, Peter Lyddon, Dylan Hettinger, and Andrea Koenig!

- John Lee Ellis

Pikes Peak from Walker Road ... with no storm clouds a-buildin'!
Photo Gallery


Flèche -- 8-11 May 2007 -- Colorado Front Range Flèche  § ACP   
Team Prairie Dog - 225.0 Miles
818  Barday, Bob (4)
2401 DeRosset, Will *
153 Ellis, John Lee (captain) (6) - DNS
1468 Rapp, Brian *

Team Falcon - DNF
156  Augenstein, Larry *
341  Werner, Glen (2)
1503  Simmons, Eric (captain) (4)

Team Deer with Headlights ** - 240.0 Miles
3108  Shenk, Catherine (captain) (2)
  Grainger, Michelle *
  Le Goff, Steve *
3055  Mazzolla, John *
3261  Mazzolla, Liz *

Team Painted Turtle ** - DNF
2844  Dodge, Tim *
2434  Flanigan, John (captain) *
3586  Stowers, Ahmed *

Team Antelope - DNS
3555  Knoblauch, Tom (captain) (2)
2145  Long, Beth *
2129  Myers, Brent *
3551  Snavely, Henry (2)

* First flèche!
(x) xth flèche!
** New flèche team!
Biggest, Wildest Flèche Yet!

This year's flèche featured the greatest number of riders (19) and the greatest number of teams (5), including two new teams. It also featured the wildest weather by far.

Team Prairie Dog also followed its traditional Front Range route, and also as usual, was disappointed to find the Glen Haven store was not opening until the following Saturday - another flèche sans cinnamon rolls! This time, however, the Climb to Disappointment was met by snow flurries. Once out on the Plains, it was merely hours of punishing, chill wind. Team captain JLE experienced his suffering in terms of a viral attack on the eve of the event, leaving the remaining three riders to carry out a commendable performance in splendid form.

Team Deer with Headlights had the most climbing, certainly the stiffest: the south face of Stove Prairie, warming them up for the descent to the Poudre Canyon and blizzard conditions. Fortunately these were soon succeeded by the windfest out on the plains through Wellington and Platteville. The Deer featured the largest team, and a tandem.

Team Antelope's reprise of their Wyoming route was stymied by winter driving conditions on I-80 getting to the start in Rawlins.

Team Falcon again chose its traditional low-tree-count route, starting in Falcon, and passing through Limon, Last Chance, and Brush. After more than a hundred miles of violent winds and tumbleweeds rolling across the plains like bison herds, they prudently called it a day, but not before much character had been built.

Team Painted Turtle started off valiantly on Friday, heading south from Denver to Falcon and then back up, but mechanical problems forced them to call it a ride at 2am on Saturday. They vow to be back next year!

- John Lee Ellis  

Teams Deer with Headlights and Prairie Dog cross the finish line!
Photo Gallery

200km -- 3 May 2008 -- Stove Prairie "Hidden Heartbreak Hills" 200k  § ACP
RUSA# Time   Rider
81810:16Barday, Bob
7:00Benoit, Diane
451010:12Bergen, Larry
12:38Busch, Mike
7:00Campbell, Kevin
pend.8:50Crocker, Richard
45199:52Cochenour, John
45279:52Cochenour, William
24017:40deRosset, William
1537:48Ellis, John Lee
48197:00Feldman, Tim
12:38Fish, Tiff
24347:54Flanigan, John
14717:48Foley, Paul
314710:21Foss, Ronaele
44789:40Freeman, Gary
44259:58Heck, Ken
358510:50Herget, Scott
9:19Hiebert, Doug
443010:17Jilka, Mark
35559:08Knoblauch, Tom
16357:20Kroonenberg, Stuart
10:16Levine, Anna
21459:11Long, Beth
16797:38Mangin, John
7:40Marwitz, Curtis
21299:11Myers, Brent
7:40Nading, Jeffrey
24428:19Nawrocki, Dave
7:00Rudolph, Steve
31127:46Rupel, Ray
361510:12Sauve, Robert
31087:48Shenk, Catherine
45289:40Shields, Dan
1842 exp.7:48Smith, Vernon
3551 exp.8:57Snavely, Henry
457210:16Sutton, Leslie
10:16Takahashi, Irene
7:00Whitehead, Ben
29937:54Wiss, Dick
Most Pedaling Downhill Yet!

All 40 riders out of 41 finished this vertically challenged escape from the wind. Unlike the purplish, brooding cloudbanks threatening last May's Stove Prairie (and delivering, in the form of snow and sleet), it was a cloudless, serene start, with only a suspicious cloudbank over the foothills later, and enough SSE winds later on that descending Stove Prairie actually benefited more from pedaling than breaking, if you can believe that.

Of the 40 finishers, 19 had ridden the Kersey Kick 200km two weeks prior - for some of whom it was their first 200k ever. More than one said the Stove Prairie's climbs were easier to take than the Kersey Kick's winds. The SSE breeze that did come up meant you actually had to pedal parts of the Stove Prairie descent.

Oh, and lest we forget, at least one rider reminds us that the Stove Prairie moniker distracts from the stiffest, sharpest climbs on the route, Centennial Drive above Horsetooth. Its ego-deflating pitches remind so many of us we're not quite at peak form yet!

- John Lee Ellis

200km -- 20 April 2008 -- Arizona Camaraderie Brevet - Show Low to Globe
RUSA# Time   Rider
81813:30Barday, Robert
47669:05Cook, Jerald *#
48199:05Feldman, Tim
314712:20Foss, Ronaele #
35559:50Knoblauch, Tom #
99113:30Plonsky, Susan *#
34110:40Werner, Glen
* AZ Brevets rider
# back-to-back 200k's
Second Windiest AZ-CO Camaraderie Brevet Yet!

All 7 riders finished this windy brevet! It was almost, but not quite, as stormily windy as a similar Show Low - to - Globe brevet in 2006. Just how windy you can judge from the range of times posted - let's just say that the riders weren't stopping off for an extended tour of Ft. Apache.

This event is intended as the second part of the "AZ-CO camaraderie brevets" - the 200k the day before in the opposite direction organized in splendid fashion by Arizona RBA Susan Plonsky. After having enough fun on through the Salt River Canyon and other climbs, a number of Arizona riders opted to take the shortest way back from Show Low, mixing in with the RMCC Spring Contrail contingent.

But Susan P. and Jerald Cook opted for the second 200k and, curiously enough were joined in back-to-backedness by RMCC riders Ronaele Foss and Tom Knoblauch, who'd ridden the (also windy) Kersey Kick on Saturday, only to be driven 1200km to Show Low overnight in time to start Sunday's Arizona reprisal of winds. Based upon this performance, kudos certainly would be in order ... and maybe a mental evaluation?

A big thanks to the Arizona RBA and her support for making this a success, and to Charlie Henderson's Spring Contrail for bringing these overachievers out of the woodwork!

- John Lee Ellis

200km -- 19 April 2008 -- Kersey Kick
RUSA# Time   Rider
1568:40Augenstein, Larry
44058:17Banks, Debra
451010:44Bergen, Larry
8:03Bird, Ryan
45199:11Cochenour, John
45279:11Cochenour, William
24017:22deRosset, William
1538:17Ellis, John Lee
31479:31Foss, Ronaele
44789:27Freeman, Gary
8:20Garner, Tim
44259:52Heck, Ken
7:09Hettinger, Dylan
32307:29Hoff, Peter
443010:04Jilka, Mark
7:05Kalisch, Tim
35556:48Knoblauch, Tom
21459:17Long, Beth
6:55Lowe, Mark
8:05Marwitz, Curtis
6:35McDonald, Sargent
21299:17Myers, Brent
8:05Nading, Jeffrey
24428:24Nawrocki, Dave
14687:30Rapp, Brian
361510:44Sauve, Robert
150310:44Simmons, Eric
8:20Slenkovich, Nick
8:34Stewart, Cary
457210:32Sutton, Leslie
10:32Takahashi, Irene
9:53Ursich, Eric
9:54Vasa, Robert
8:58Vogeler, Scott
9:53Ward, Jimmy
356310:14Whiteman, Steve
35908:20Whitley, Rob
29938:03Wiss, Dick
Most Riders on Windiest Kersey Kick Brevet Yet!

39 riders finished this balmy but windy Plainsfest! As usual, spirits rose with speedy times (downhill with a tailwind to Kersey), which hopefully buoyed spirits for the grind into the tree-free headwind to Hudson. Temps were mild at the start, and rose to the upper 70's, excellent conditions for April in Colorado.

To hear tell, everyone who took the advice to partake of a homemade burrito at the Kersey store didn't regret it, especially with the homebound headwinds to fight. In the end, a great day for a brevet!

- John Lee Ellis

Populaire Results

129km -- 10 October 2008 -- Apple Valley
RUSA# Time   Rider
9084:55Fox, Mike
44255:50Heck, Ken
51335:00Isham, Rick
44304:55Jilka, Mark
3:49Kalisch, Tim
35554:00Knoblauch, Tom
28563:49Kraychy, Jim
3:49Lowe, Mark
21455:24Myers, Beth
21295:24Myers, Brent
4:39Newton, Gerry
4:40Pflug, Sandy
5:25Snavely, Henry
45724:55Sutton, Leslie
51394:55Takahashi, Irene
Unexpectedly Pleasant Fall Weather!

15 riders enjoyed a mild autumn morning with brilliant pre-peak color foliage to Apple Valley and beyond. Most riders got back just in time to avoid the afternoon showers, or most of them.

Route changes this year made for a quieter backroads route in places, which the riders seemed to enjoy.

Thanks to Leslie Sutton for leading this populaire!

- John Lee Ellis

121km -- 26 April 2008 -- Lefthand Canyon - Estes Park
RUSA# Time   Rider
35636:47Whiteman, Stephen
Blizzard on the Peak-to-Peak!

1 rider finished this bracing spring-Colorado-style populaire. Graced with blowing snow in the foothills and on the Peak-to-Peak Highway, Stephen Whiteman and Mike Prendergrast rode together as far as St. Vrain Canyon, not having gotten the word that the event had been called in the meantime. Stephen headed on up to Estes, at 8mph against the stormy winds, Longs Peak lost in a whiteout. After frigid moments descending, tailwinds buoyed him up the climb out of Estes, a consolation to an adventurous ride!

Thanks to Brent & Beth Myers for leading this populaire!

- John Lee Ellis

122km -- 13 April 2008 -- Horsetooth
RUSA# Time   Rider
44055:17Banks, Debra
45106:01Bergen, Larry
5:04Bird, Ryan
45196:30Cochenour, John
45276:30Cochenour, William
5:04Crocker, Richard
31475:27Foss, Ronaele
7:20Gorodess, Ivan
44255:30Heck, Ken
28665:11Jeter, Lukas
44305:20Jilka, Mark
36214:45Khalilinia, Shahin
35555:15Knoblauch, Tom
7:40Krimmel, Max
4:25Kinne, John
5:15Long, Beth
4:15Lowe, Mark
7:20Martin, Daniel
4:15McDonald, Sargent
5:15Myers, Brent
4:32Newton, Gerry
4:17Peters, Walt
14685:04Rapp, Brian
45285:04Shields, Daniel
5:04Stewart, Cary
5:20Ursich, Eric
6:30Weaver, Jeremy
35634:57Whiteman, Steve
Sun and Snow over Horsetooth!

28 riders finished this scenic spring ride topping out at 60º. Riders could spy the hints of green on the landscape, while glancing back on heavy, fresh snowpack not only on the Indian Peaks but even in the foothills.

Thanks to Dan Shields for leading this populaire!

- John Lee Ellis

116km -- 6 April 2008 -- Keenesburg
RUSA# Time   Rider
45195:20Cochenour, John
45275:20Cochenour, William
48194:09Feldman, Tim
31475:27Foss, Ronaele
20325:01Foss, Tom
9086:18Fox, Mike
44255:48Heck, Ken
4:11Hettinger, Dylan
4:12Herzberger, Matt
4:13Hornick, John
44305:36Jilka, Mark
36214:36Khalilinia, Shahin
35554:11Knoblauch, Tom
5:36Levine, Anna
exp.5:14Long, Beth
exp.5:14Myers, Brent
5:10Newton, Gerry
4:12Nisbet, Nick
5:10Parry, Diana
4:12Rudolph, Steve
45284:50Shields, Daniel
5:16Slenkovich, Nick
35515:05Snavely, Henry
45725:36Sutton, Leslie
35635:36Whiteman, Steve
35904:40Whitley, Rob
A Seasonably Breezy Keenesburg Plainsfest!

Thanks again to Tom Foss for leading this populaire. Tom writes:

Except for the stiff headwinds on the return from Keenesburg, nearly favorable weather conditions met the 26 riders Sunday. The Schwab boys (Herzberger, Hornick, et al.) were out in force and mustered the front group to a quick finishing time, but well off the 3h30m pace set in 2004.

Intrepid Stephen Whiteman rode a fixed gear, while his friend Nick Nesbit, who rode nothing but a fixed gear all winter, rode his new mistress – a 10 speed Bianchi. We were also graced by the presence of several women from the Title IX racing team, [Anna Levine and Leslie Sutton whose indoctrination into randonneuring was the climb up to Stove Prairie on the September 200k].

- Tom Foss

106km -- 23 March 2008 -- Carter Lake
RUSA# Time   Rider
44054:15BANKS, Debra
3:29BENOIT, Diane
3:29BIRD, Ryan
45194:41COCHENOUR, John
45274:41COCHENOUR, William
48193:29FELDMAN, Tim
31475:28FOSS, Ronaele
20324:15FOSS, Tom
44304:21JILKA, Mark
3:29KINNE, John
35554:12KNOBLAUCH, Tom
5:42KRIMMEL, Max
3:29NEWTON, Gerry
4:21PARRY, Diana
A Wintry Start to the Populaires!

This populaire is new this year, and the earliest populaire or brevet ever. Thanks to Tom Foss for leading this populaire. Tom writes:

Sunny and cold weather greeted riders on an Easter Sunday, and the typical March snowfall the night before delayed the start of the populaire by 30 minutes. There were several new randonneurs including a first time father and son team of Scott and Drew Christopher; Scott is the new Outreach Coordinator for Bicycle Colorado. Despite the overnight snowfall the roads were clean and mostly dry. The only hazard was the ever present sand drift on the Carter Lake road that had become a mud pit with the over night precipitation.

- Tom Foss