-- 3 October 2015 -- James Canyon
| Time
| Rider
| 6764 | 8:00 | Bachman, Greg
| 7760 | 6:34 | Baker, Chris
| | 7:39 | Benoit, Diane
| 10552 | 11:17 | Chang, Marc *
| 6322 | 10:54 | Dean, Robert
| 1471 | 8:55 | Foley, Paul
| 9094 | 8:58 | Ledru, Pascal
| 5692 | 7:36 | Jones, Lloyd
| | 6:34 | Olsen, Kale
| 2812 | 8:43 | Peterson, Eric **
| | 6:34 | Ploransky, Jonathan
| | 6:34 | Rudolph, Steve
| 5691 | 9:48 | Szmurlo, Len
| 3551 | 8:58 | Snavely, Henry
| 10173 | 8:58 | Turek, Michael
* First Brevet!
** First Colo. Randonnée!
First James Canyon Brevet After Flood!
Under glowering clouds, 16 starters and 14 finishers joined us for the first James Canyon 200k since the September, 2013 floods!
(Yes, same situation as September's Stove Prairie route.)
Repairs to James Canyon Drive from Lefthand Canyon to Jamestown this spring opened the road
full time to non-residents. Our local randos gave Eric Peterson, visiting from Illinois, a warm welcome.
Thanks once again to Paul Foley for collecting riders' brevet cards at the finish!
- John Lee Ellis
PBP'15 veterans Mike Turek, Pascal Ledru, and Paul Foley at Sandy's.
Paul Foley photo
Pascal and Mike enjoy sun and a bite at The Cidery in Erie.
Paul Foley photo
-- 19 September 2015 -- Stove Prairie
| Time
| Rider
| | 7:25 | Benoit, Diane
| 1471 | 9:05 | Foley, Paul
| 9962 | 9:05 | Haugen, Timo
| 9053 | 10:03 | Hilligoss, David
| | 6:29 | Horwood, Joshua
| 5692 | 6:45 | Jones, Lloyd
| 6026 | 6:17 | Lowe, Mark
| | 6:43 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3112 | 9:05 | Rupel, Ray
| 3551 | 9:34 | Snavely, Henry
| 10173 | 9:05 | Turek, Michael
| 2993 | 9:05 | Wiss, Dick
First Stove Prairie Brevet After Flood!
Under brilliant sun, 13 starters and 12 finishers joined us for the first Stove Prairie 200k since the September, 2013 floods!
Repairs to the narrow canyon part of Buckhorn Road were completed late spring, making it possible
to cycle that stretch and thus reopen the Stove Prairie route.
Thanks to Paul Foley for collecting riders' brevet cards at the finish!
- John Lee Ellis
Up the stiff climbs above Horsetooth Reservoir.
Paul Foley photo
Ray Rupel, Timo Haugen, Dick Wiss, and Mike Turek at Stove Prairie.
Paul Foley photo
-- 1 August 2015 -- Peak-to-Peak
| Time
| Rider
| 5897 | 14:40 | Cramer, Cathy
| 153 | 14:23 | Ellis, John Lee ®
| 1471 | 14:40 | Foley, Paul
| 9603 | 15:17 | Fraser, Malcolm
| 9053 | 17:15 | Hilligoss, David
| 9592 | 13:15 | Hulett, Jeffrey
| 10581 | 13:13 | Johnson, Kieran
| 5691 | 17:15 | Smurlo, Len
® Pre-Ride
First Peak-to-Peak Turnaround in Allenspark!
9 starters and 8 finishers joined us for this year's Peak-to-Peak 300k under brilliant sun, mild temps on the
Peak-to-Peak Highway, toasty temps back down on the Plains! This year we were able to ride more of the Peak-to-Peak Highway
and descend St. Vrain Canyon, now in good shape after the 2013 flood.
- John Lee Ellis
Still green at the mouth of Coal Creek, unusual at this time of year!
Still some spots of snow on Meeker Peak, unusual in a normal season!
-- 20-June 2015 -- Poudre Canyon
— 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 18:15 | Albershardt, Andy
| 560 | 16:34 | Bernasky, Ed ♦
| 153 | 17:39 | Ellis, John Lee
| 10173 | 17:41 | Turek, Michael
| | 17:41 | Turner, Jason *
| 7898 | 17:56 | Warren, Corinne
* First 400k!
♦ Visitor from another region!
— 600km —
| 400km
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 15:08 | 24:50 | Baker, Chris
| 2434 | 15:20 | 31:33 | Flanigan, John
| 1471 | 17:37 | 35:23 | Foley, Paul ®
| 7751 | 16:09 | 36:41 | Griffith, Scott ®
| 9962 | 17:41 | 37:40 | Haugen, Timo
| 10610 | 17:47 | 35:20 | Nelson, David
| 3112 | 15:08 | 24:50 | Rupel, Ray
| 6276 | 18:17 | 37:30 | Shlachter, Jeremy
| 1842 | 15:20 | 31:33 | Smith, Vernon
| 8 | 23:33 | 37:43 | Springsteen, Lois ♦
| 8564 | 20:15 | 38:40 | Stanton, Laurie ®
* First 600k!
♦ Visitor from another region!
® Pre-Ride
— 1000km —
| 400km
| 720km
| Time
| Rider
| 1679 | 17:47 | 41:15 | 63:25 | Mangin, L. John *
| 9307 | 21:23 | 44:49 | 70:40 | Maytorena, Hector *♦
* First 1000k!
♦ Visitor from another region!
Toastiest Poudre Canyon Brevets Yet!
22 starters and 19 finishers enjoyed a brilliantly sunny but at times toasty triad of solstice brevets.
It certainly seemed scorchingly hot at times, as the heat sapped moisture and strength.
Fortunately the scenery was pretty good, with lots of lush green left over from our wet spring!
A number of riders have now achieved their Super Randonneur status with this ride, and qualified for Paris-Brest-Paris.
For John Mangin and Hector Maytorena, while they're both 1200k veterans (including the Colorado High Country), this was
their first 1000k, putting them in line for the coveted RUSA Cup award.
We were especially honored to have RUSA members #8 and #7, Lois Springsteen and her husband Bill Bryant, as Lois finished
up her PBP qualification. Bill and Lois rode the first 600k I organized, to qualify for PBP'99.
An extra thanks to Dave and Caroline Hilligoss, who volunteered with refreshments at Masonville, just in time for the big
climbs, and Beth and Brent Myers who did the same as night fell on the 400k loop in Johnstown. With heartfelt appreciation!
- John Lee Ellis
Santa Cruz Randonneuse Lois Springsteen with honorary SCR rider JLE at start.
Corinne Warren, David Nelson, Mike Turek, John Mangin, Timo Haugen, and Jason Turner
Dave and Caroline Hilligoss at Masonville
Beth and Brent Myers at Johnstown
Andy Albershardt and Jeremy Shlachter in Poudre Canyon
-- 6 June 2015 -- St. Vrain - Lefthand
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 15:58 | Baker, Chris
| 5897 | 18:44 | Cramer, Cathy
| 153 | 18:30 | Ellis, John Lee
| 2434 | 16:20 | Flanigan, John
| 1471 | 17:37 | Foley, Paul
| 1167 | 17:59 | Gooch, Terri
| 5417 | 18:30 | Grainger, Michelle
| 7751 | 26:03 | Griffith, Scott
| 9592 | 15:58 | Hulett, Jeffrey
| 5418 | 18:30 | Le Goff, Steve
| 9094 | 19:07 | Ledru, Pascal *
| 2145 | 21:01 | Long, Beth
| 6026 | 14:35 | Lowe, Mark
| 2129 | 21:01 | Myers, Brent
| 1679 | 17:37 | Mangin, L. John
| 5471 | 21:18 | Nakamura, Tammie
| | 17:37 | Nelson, David *
| | 15:58 | Olson, Kale *
| 3112 | 15:58 | Rupel, Ray
| 1842 | 17:37 | Smith, Vernon
| 8564 | 26:03 | Stanton, Laurie
| 10173 | 19:15 | Turek, Michael
| | 17:20 | Turner, Jason
* First 400k!
First St. Vrain - Lefthand Loop!
24 starters enjoyed a better-than-forecast pretty nice ride among rain-greened verdant hills and plains
with only spotty showers. Riders said they liked the climb up St. Vrain Canyon and descent of Lefthand, as well as the
rest of the route, even perhaps the visit to Gilcrest!
A very special thanks to the energetic and dedicated volunteers who made this brevet possible: Terri Gooch
who started off the riders after producing ride materials; Michelle Grainger who spearheaded last-minute organization;
Corinne Warren who provided welcome support at 9,200 ft. on the Peak-to-Peak Highway; and
Brent Myers and Beth Long with support, sustenance, and good cheer in Masonville! I'm sure every
rider was appreciative, and I know I was.
- John Lee Ellis
A foggy start after a rainy spring - Mike Turek photo
Mike Turek and Pascal Ledru in Masonville - Brent Myers photo
Impromptu ride leader Terri Gooch, as Brent and puppy look on - Beth Long photo
-- 16 May 2015 -- Poudre Canyon
— 300km —
| Time
| Rider
| | 12:18 | Benoit, Diane
| 9053 | 15:15 | Hilligoss, David, *
| 7751 | 12:59 | Griffith, Scott
| 3600 | 12:28 | Koenig, Gary
| 10610 | 13:24 | Nelson, David *
| 8694 | 12:56 | Sendor, John
| 3108 | 13:24 | Shenk, Catherine
| 3551 | 16:06 | Snavely, Henry
| 8564 | 15:28 | Stanton, Laurie
| 2307 | 11:24 | Walsh, Bryce
| | 12:18 | White, Andy
| | 12:18 | White, Kami
* First 300k!
| — 400km —
| Time
| Rider
| 9720 | 21:19 | Aldrich, Brian
| 1557 | 18:49 | Brining, Doug *
| 9603 | 18:17 | Fraser, Macolm
| 9962 | 18:49 | Haugen, Timo
| | 16:01 | Nelsen, Eric, * ♦
| 9878 | 21:19 | Stiasny, Eric *
| | 17:41 | Turner, Jason *
| 2015 | 17:49 | Wong, Felix
* First 400k!
♦ Visitor from another region!
— 600km —
| 400k
| Time
| Rider
| 7409 | 21:22 | 35:32 | Albershardt, Andy
| 5897 | 18:24 | 34:28 | Cramer, Cathy
| 153 | 23:44 | 33:57 | Ellis, John Lee
| 1167 | 18:17 | 33:57 | Gooch, Terri
| 5417 | 18:17 | 33:57 | Grainger, Michelle
| 9592 | 14:09 | 31:49 | Hulett, Jeffrey
| 5418 | 18:17 | 33:57 | Le Goff, Steve
| 9094 | 18:17 | 34:14 | Ledru, Pascal *
| 2145 | 19:44 | 35:32 | Long, Beth
| 6026 | 15:54 | 35:19 | Lowe, Mark
| 2129 | 19:44 | 35:32 | Myers, Brent
| 1679 | 17:49 | 31:24 | Mangin, L. John
| 3112 | 16:54 | 33:57 | Rupel, Ray
| 7898 | 18:17 | 31:46 | Warren, Corinne
* First 600k!
Driest Poudre Canyon Weekend ... Compared to the Forecast!
35 starters and 12 finishers (300k), 8 finishers (400k), and 14 finishers (600k) enjoyed better-than-forecast weather
for this triumvirate of distances for the "early bird" longer brevet weekend.
As you can see, the popular distances were 300k and 600k.
This is a new 300k offering, mainly as backup for PBP aspirants. It turned out to be especially useful given the previous
weekend's snow, hail, and general moisture indignities on the Black Forest 300k.
Despite cloudy, rainy forecasts for Saturday - after a week of soaking rains - Saturday morning was preternaturally sunny, although
afternoon showers dogged some of the riders. Given recent weather, we'll take that. And again, a big commendation to all of you
who braved the conditions and the distances!
- John Lee Ellis
Terri Gooch, Catherine Shenk, Malcolm Fraser, Michelle Grainger, and Steve Le Goff at the Masonville info control,
flanked by the apparition of blue sky.
PBP aspirant Pascal Ledru, finishes his first 600k!
At Vern's in LaPorte
Ray Rupel helps Pascal Ledru fix a puncture on Kersey Road
-- 9 May 2015 -- Black Forest
| Time
| Rider
| 1557 | 15:10 | Brining, Doug *
| 2401 | 15:10 | deRosset, Will
| 153 | 13:55 | Ellis, John Lee
| 4819 | 11:31 | Feldman, Foon
| 1471 | 11:31 | Foley, Paul
| 9603 | 15:00 | Fraser, Malcolm *
| 1167 | 13:55 | Gooch, Terri
| 5417 | 13:55 | Grainger, Michelle
| 9962 | 11:31 | Haugen, Timo
| 9592 | 11:31 | Hulett, Jeffrey
| 5418 | 13:55 | LeGoff, Steve
| 9094 | 14:25 | Ledru, Pascal
| 6026 | 14:30 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 14:20 | Mangin, L. John
| 5471 | 19:49 | Nakamura, Tammie
| 3112 | 11:31 | Rupel, Ray
| 1842 | 11:31 | Smith, Vernon
| 7898 | 14:55 | Warren, Corinne
* First 300k!
Wintriest Weather Yet on the Black Forest!
28 starters and 20 finishers joined us for this year's BF 300k. Event day bode a continuation of heavy, cold showers
of the previous days, plus
hailstorms, and - starting mid-afternoon in the Black Forest - heavy, wet snow.
Commendations to the riders, and a special thanks to Tammie Nakamura for leading this ride, and to Corinne Warren,
with the help of her husband Mark, Foon Feldman and Ray Rupel for looking for and rescuing riders!
- John Lee Ellis
A snowy and spectral Pikes Peak looming over the course.
Corinne Warren, who pre-rode, then rescued riders on event day.
-- 2 May 2015 -- Front Range Flèche
Team: Les Lanternes Rouges
| Distance: 369km
| Rider
| 7898 | WARREN, Corinne D *
| 9094 | LEDRU, Pascal *
| 1679 | MANGIN, L John *
| 10610 | NELSON, David Lawrence *
| 10173 | TUREK, Michael Gerald *
* First Flèche!
Southernmost Flèche Start!
The 5 all-flèche-rookie members of team "Les Lanternes Rouges" enjoyed reasonable conditions, and
quite a bit of hospitality on their ride, which spanned Canon City to Lyons!
Corinne and her team did a great job of putting together a team and a route.
The flèche is both a planning and execution challenge, and tougher, I think, than a 400k.
You can see Corinne's report
for more photos and details!
- John Lee Ellis
Artwork in Cheyenne Canyon near Colorado Springs
Balanced Rock in Garden of the Gods
-- 25 April 2015 -- Rawhide Ramble
| Time
| Rider
| 6764 | 8:32 | Bachman, Greg
| 7760 | 7:03 | Baker, Chris **
| | 7:09 | Benoit, Diane **
| | 8:01 | Bogdanovic, Damjan *
| 1557 | 9:21 | Brining, Doug **
| 5967 | 8:40 | Cook, Brett **
| 10566 | 10:46 | Cox, Jennifer *
| 6322 | 10:19 | Dean, Bob **
| 2434 | 7:26 | Flanigan, John
| | 9:36 | Hilligoss, David
| 10565 | 10:46 | Hislop, Eric *
| | 7:09 | Horwood, Josh
| 9592 | 7:03 | Hulett, Jeffrey **
| | 8:03 | LeBlanc, Todd
| 9094 | 8:09 | Ledru, Pascal **
| 2145 | 9:20 | Long, Beth
| 1679 | 7:03 | Mangin, L. John **
| 2129 | 9:20 | Myers, Brent
| 5471 | 9:04 | Nakamura, Tammie
| | 6:28 | Nelson, Eric *
| | 9:21 | Olson, Kale *
| 1468 | 7:50 | Rapp, Brian
| | 7:35 | Rosenthal, Harris **
| 8945 | 8:43 | Schabacker, Noah **
| | 6:28 | Schaefer, Tim **
| 8694 | 7:09 | Sendor, Jon **
| 3108 | 9:20 | Shenk, Catherine
| 1842 | 7:03 | Smith, Vernon **
| 3551 | 9:40 | Snavely, Henry **
| 8564 | 9:33 | Stanton, Laurie **
| 10173 | 7:59 | Turek, Michael **
| | 7:21 | Turner, Jason
| | 7:52 | White, Andy **
| | 7:52 | White, Kami **
| 2015 | 7:49 | Wong, Felix
| 9223 | 6:28 | Zitz, Walter **
* First brevet!
** Rode both spring 200k's!
Biggest Turnout Yet - Just Barely - on the Rawhide Ramble!
38 riders enjoyed mild temps - upper 40's into the 60's - and dry despite forecasts of afternoon showers.
We were actually even luckier, with gushing rains in the 40's the next day, and a "wintry mix" the weekend before.
A fair number of rider (19) completed both spring 200k's, and we give a hearty welcome to folks new to randonneuring!
Special thanks to Tammie Nakamura for collecting the cards at the finish and looking after the riders.
- John Lee Ellis
Horsetooth Reservoir, between the warm-up climbs ... and the others
-- 11 April 2015 -- Kersey Kick
| Time
| Rider
| 7760 | 5:55 | Baker, Chris
| | 6:40 | Beeman, Donald
| | 6:42 | Benoit, Diane
| | 7:08 | Bevan, Richard
| | 6:39 | Bodeux, Reynald
| 1557 | 6:40 | Brining, Doug
| 5967 | 7:43 | Cook, Brett
| 5897 | 8:04 | Cramer, Cathy
| 6322 | 9:21 | Dean, Bob
| 2900 | 9:15 | Dick, Nathan
| 2949 | 8:32 | Dumitrescu, Bogie
| 6379 | 5:55 | Edwards, Billy
| 153 | 7:25 | Ellis, John Lee
| 4819 | 5:55 | Feldman, Foon
| 1471 | 6:41 | Foley, Paul
| 9603 | 7:20 | Fraser, Malcolm
| | 7:20 | Frazee, Carolyn *
| 1167 | 7:20 | Gooch, Terri
| 5417 | 7:20 | Grainger, Michelle
| 7751 | 7:37 | Griffith, Scott
| 9962 | 6:20 | Haugen, Timo
| | 6:40 | Holland, Greg
| | 6:41 | Hornick, John
| | 6:30 | Howell, Craig
| 9592 | 6:40 | Hulett, Jeffrey
| 3555 | 7:18 | Knoblauch, Tom
| 9094 | 6:44 | Ledru, Pascal
| 5418 | 7:20 | Le Goff, Steve
| 6026 | 5:55 | Lowe, Mark
| 1679 | 6:40 | Mangin, L. John
| | 6:53 | Nelson, David
| | 6:48 | Rosenthal, Harris
| | 5:55 | Rudolph, Steve
| 3112 | 6:41 | Rupel, Ray
| 8945 | 8:05 | Schabacker, Noah
| | 5:55 | Schaefer, Tim
| 8694 | 7:03 | Sendor, Jon
| 1842 | 6:41 | Smith, Vernon
| 3551 | 7:47 | Snavely, Henry
| 8564 | 8:40 | Stanton, Laurie
| 9878 | 7:56 | Stiasny, Eric
| 8601 | 7:20 | Thomas, George **
| 10173 | 6:35 | Turek, Michael
| 7898 | 6:40 | Warren, Corinne
| | 7:00 | White, Andy
| | 7:00 | White, Kami
| 9223 | 5:55 | Zitz, Walter
* First Colorado brevet!
** First 200k Randonnée!
| Fastest Average Speed Kersey Kick Ever?
47 riders enjoyed mild temps - upper 40's into the low 70's - with a fair amount of tailwind, under mixed overcast and sun.
This is a great course for riding together if you wish, and making good time if the winds cooperate - a nice first 200k for the season.
Thanks to everyone who came out, and the camaraderie that was shown.
- John Lee Ellis
Michelle Grainger and Carolyn Frazee with dessert choices after a Kersey burrito.
Terri Gooch and George Thomas beam at the finish.
Corinne Warren with a personal best time, training for the flèche + PBP.
Bogie Dumitrescu one step closer to PBP!