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New to these events? Review these important procedures and pre-requisites:
About the Brevets ·  About the Populaires

Brevets and the Flèche are ACP-sanctioned unless otherwise noted (® = RUSA sanctioned).
Populaires, Darts, and Dart Populaires are RUSA-sanctioned.
1200k's are sanctioned by Randonneurs Mondiaux.

Jun 17
Lefthand St. Vrain Canyon Lights and reflective gear required. · Register · Waiver (print, sign, bring to start) · Contact Ride Coordinator (Jason Turner)

400km: - Lefthand - St. Vrain Canyon - Glen Haven - Wellington - 400k RideWithGPS Map
- Lefthand - St. Vrain Canyon - Glen Haven - Wellington - Kersey - The first 400km of the 600km brevet shares the route of the 400km brevet, followed by a 'quick' visit to Kersey. · 600k Cue Sheet · 600k RideWithGPS Map (400km loop) · 600k RideWithGPS Map (200km loop)
- Lefthand - St. Vrain Canyon - Glen Haven - Wellington - Kersey - Ft. Morgan - Big Thompson - The first 500km of the 1000km brevet shares the first 500km of the 600km brevet (to Kersey), followed by an excursion down the South Platte to Ft. Morgan, and ending with a climb up Big Thompson Canyon. · 1000k Cue Sheet (PDF)  (Excel) · 1000k RideWithGPS Map (loop 1) · 1000k RideWithGPS Map (loop 2) · 1000k RideWithGPS Map (loop 3)
Sign in: 3:00 am
Depart: 4:00 am
Louisville Conoco

Randonneurs USA Event Fee - RUSA is not charging an event fee in 2023
Volunteering to Lead a Ride - To volunteer to lead a ride, simply contact us! For brevets and populaires, you just need to arrive well in advance of the start, and collect riders' waivers. For team events - the Flèche or Darts - you just need to coordinate the teams. Thank you!

‡If you are not a current RUSA member, join/renew online.
If you are not a current RMCC member, join/renew online (preferred), or print the membership application
and either mail it in or bring it, along with a check for the membership fee, to the ride start.