Rocky Mountain Cycling Club
The Club for People Who Love to Ride!


 Who We Are 



 Ride Schedule 

Brevets and Populaires - "The Challenge Series"


Intermediate Training Group

Want Ads

A Guide to Riding with RMCC 




Join in on a Bicycle Maintenance Class 1 PM, 22 February.   Registration is required by 15 February.  The fee for the class is $10.  This price will cover the cost of producing a maintenance manual for each participant and drinks and snacks with any extra funds.

What the course will cover:

b           How to make your bike show room clean in 20 minutes
  Shifting and brake adjustments
b          When to replace a chain and gears
b           Common adjustments
Wheel repair
Proper skewer tension
b           Any additional topics you want covered and I know how to do

This class will only be held if there are eight or more registered for the class by 15 February.  Anyone who registers will be notified of the class status and location.  The class will be held in Denver at 510 East 51st Avenue, 80216.

Here is a list of what you should bring to the class:

b           Clothes you can get dirty (your shoes are especially vulnerable)
  b          Two buckets (5 gallon)b           Brushes
Spongeb           Rear triangle holder (skewer)
b          Soap (dish soap is fine)b          Cleaner in a spray bottle (Simple Green or a citrus-based solvent)
Lubricants for chain and small parts
Tape measure or ruler (12” minimum)
b         Nitrile or latex gloves (optional)

Since you are taking the class, you may not have some or any of these items.  If that is the case, I can help you select what to get.  Or I can provide, at your cost, what you will need.  But I need to know that in advance.  I’ll charge only what the materials cost.  Please let me know if you need anything for the class when you sign up or send me a note with questions.

Register for the class by 15 February via e-mail or phone.

Mike Prendergast