of 2002
Mountain Cycling Club
people who love to ride
Trainer Workout of the Month
Taken from
up (any gear)
ring and 19T (fast spin @ 100 + RPM)
ring all out seated sprint
ring and 15T recovery (<60 RPM)
ring and 15T standing sprint, keep light contact with saddle
ring and 15T recovery (<60 RPM)
ring and 15T pedal with one leg
ring and 15T switch legs
ring cool down
Small ring and 21T, 20T,
or 19T (fast spin about 90 RPM )
Big ring and 15T (seated,
slow spin about 30 RPM)
Small ring and 21T, 20T,
Big ring and 13T or 12T
(standing with butt brushing saddle, shoulders low to the bars and medium
spin about 40-50 RPM)
Small ring and 21T, 20T,
or 19T
(seated) Big ring and 15T
(slow spin about 30 RPM)
Small ring and 21T, 20T,
or 19T (spin about 50 RPM )
rides start at 10:45 am.
(The makeup day is
Sunday.) |
and Day |
Ride Name
Mileage |
Ride Starter
26, Saturday |
and beyond, 40+ miles |
Rhomberg |
rides start at 10:45 am. |
Date and Day |
Ride Name |
Ride Starter
of Ride and Ride Description |
Mileage |
February 2,
Saturday |
Caryl-Chatfield loop |
Melick |
Littleton, Chatfield Reservoir, Littleton |
miles |
Littleton, Ken Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon, Chatfield Reservoir, Littleton |
miles |
February 9,
Saturday |
Aurora |
return |
Henderson |
R/P: Aurora, Watkins, Aurora |
miles |
Aurora, Watkins, Bennett, Watkins, Aurora |
miles |
February 16,
Saturday |
Superior |
loop |
Phelps |
Superior, Morgul-Bismark, Boulder, Baseline Road, Louisville, Superior |
miles |
Superior, Morgul-Bismark, Boulder, Lookout Road, Louisville, Superior |
miles |
23, Saturday |
Littleton |
Creek-Kittredge loop |
Melick |
Littleton, Deer Creek Canyon, Ken Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon,
Deer Creek Canyon, Chatfield Reservoir, Littleton |
miles |
Littleton, Deer Creek Canyon, Indian Hills, Kittredge, Morrison, Red Rocks, Willow Springs,
Ken Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon, Littleton |
miles |
February 24,
Sunday |
Rock |
Rock-Palmer Lake loop |
Melick |
Castle Rock, Wolfensburger Road, Larkspur, Castle Rock |
miles |
Castle Rock, Wolfensburger Road, Palmer Lake, Larkspur, Castle Rock |
miles |
riding skills
Scott De Leeuw
with excerpts from
riding can be one of the most fun and enjoyable parts of cycling.
It can also be one of the most dangerous.
This month I’ve put together a few tips to make your group riding
experience safe and enjoyable.
- When transitioning from a seated position to a standing position
don't throw your bike backwards. Transition from seated to standing smoothly
and not abruptly. Many riders abruptly throw their bikes back when
transitioning to a standing position and it can be very dangerous for the
people behind them.
- Don't overlap your front wheel with the rear wheel of the bike in
front of you, except in extreme cross-wind conditions.
- Hold your line. Be
predictable. Look where you are
going before you go there.
- Be light on your brakes. Don't use them too hard as others may be
right on your rear wheel.
- If you drop something, don’t slam on your brakes or immediately
turn around, exit slowly to the left and communicate well what you are
- Point out potholes and objects in the road to avoid by signaling
with your right hand. The riders behind you count on you to point out
hazards they cannot see.
- Keep your own head up and be aware of traffic ahead and behind.
Be looking ahead, rather than staring at the wheel of the bike in
front of you.
- When riding, if another group or rider passes you, do not
immediately jump on behind them and suck their wheel.
Ask for permission to sit in their slipstream.
- Pace lines, or even small groups, work best with cooperation.
Share the responsibility of pulling in front, even if you can only do
it for a few minutes at a time.
are great items and have many good qualities, however they are not to be used in
group riding.
Using aerobars when riding in a group will quickly lose the trust of
other riders.
is a loosely organized group of riders within The Rocky Mountain Cycling Club.
We offer club members the opportunity to ride as a group at several
organized events. We help promote
the club by encouraging Team RMCC members to wear the club jersey.
Please contact Val Phelps or Brent Myers
for information.
Handlebar & Grill
Wednesday Evening Training Ride
This is a weekly ride
around Washington Park. We will
meet in the northwest corner of the South High School Parking lot at 5:30 PM.
The ride will start April 10 and continue through October 23.
Laps around the park provide for socialization, varied pace, and the
opportunity for late arrivals to join the group.
We will meet at the Handlebar & Grill following the ride.
Discounts & gift certificates are available to RMCC members.
Team RMCC rides
All club members are
welcome to ride with Team RMCC on selected rides throughout the year.
The rides:
04 / 07 – Wagon Road “Populaire” – 72 miles
04 / 14 – E255 “Populaire” – 75 miles
04 / 27 – Lyons “Populaire” – 75 miles
05 / 05 – E243 200 km Brevet – 125 miles
06 / 02 – Elephant Rock Century – 100 miles
07 / 13 – Triple Bypass – 130 miles
08 / 03 – Denver Aspen – 150 or 200 miles
09 / 14 – Copper Triangle “Populaire” – 78 miles
09 / 22 – E243 200 km Brevet – 125 miles
may also include some additional rides or out-of-town events.
Are You Creative?
you creative, with a little time on your hands?
Would you like to take a more active role in RMCC? If
this fits you, I am looking for someone with fresh new ideas to help with the
newsletter or take it over.
is what you get!
monthly meal at Denny’s while you attend the RMCC meeting.
creative reign on content and format of the newsletter.
satisfaction of helping out in a volunteer-run club.
experience, great for your resume if that is what you are looking for.
Scott for details!
Next Meeting
The next club meeting is Wednesday, February 6th at 7:00 pm at the Denny's at Park
Avenue and I-25 in Denver.
The newsletter deadline is the 28th of each month.
Please send
contributions via e-mail to
Membership/address changes via e-mail to
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club, P.O. Box 101473, Denver,
Colorado 80250-1473
Mountain Cycling Club
people who love to ride
Bicycle Colorado
Bicycle Colorado is a
non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of cycling and cycling
issues at both the state and local level.
As the voice for
cyclists in our state, Bicycle Colorado:
Encourages bicycling as both efficient transportation and
wonderful recreation
Strives to increase safety and greater awareness of cyclist
responsibilities on Colorado roads/trails
Works to improve conditions for cyclists - wider shoulders and
fewer rumble strips!
Lobbies for the development of new projects such as the
Denver-Boulder Bikeway
short, Bicycle Colorado is a tireless champion of the causes that are
nearest and dearest to cyclist’s hearts and the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is
proud to support their efforts through donations of time and money.
In addition, RMCC
wants to encourage everyone to get
involved with Bicycle Colorado. Give
them a call or visit their web site to learn more about this important
organization and the issues facing Colorado cyclists today.
Every voice counts!
Colorado P.O. 698
Salida, CO 81201
(719) 530 - 0051
Denver-to-Aspen Classic
8th annual Joe Lookingbill Denver-Aspen Classic is coming!
for August 3rd, the D2A will once again challenge riders in Colorado’s premier
double-century (two ride options allow riders to select between 155 and 200 mile
those who’ve ridden with us before, we hope you’ll return for another
memorable year. For those who have
never ridden the Denver-Aspen before, we invite you to join us! Registration is now available online via the Denver-Aspen page.
Look for registrations in local Front Range bike shops soon!
you want to be involved from the other side of the saddle, we’re always on the
lookout for volunteers to main aid stations, drive SAG support, and many other
important roles. Send our volunteer coordinator, Catharine Guy-Lookingbill an
e-mail at
Club Rides
Park-and-Ride at Santa Fe and Mineral in Littleton
Safeway parking lot two blocks southeast of Exit 181 off I-25 in Castle Rock
February rides will be led by Rick Melick.
Be there ready to ride at 10:45 AM!
Club Ride Schedule
Cyclists joining RMCC
for club rides in March should be ready to ride
at the Meet Point no later than 10:45 AM!
Cyclists in RMCC club
rides must agree to abide by traffic laws and practice courtesy and safety in
cycling. Helmets are required!
Rides will be
conducted in all weather subject to the final decision of the Ride Leader at the
meeting point. In severe
conditions, rides may be changed or canceled without prior notice.
Contact any ride leader for more information.
Meet Point
2 (Sat)....... Lewis-Palmer High
School parking lot
Exit 161 off I-25, cross to east of I-25 on
Hwy 105, right on frontage road, 1.5 miles to
Higby Rd, left ¼ mile to lot on left...............................
49 mi..... 31 mi...........
Tom Boyle
3 (Sun)...... Park-and-Ride, SE corner
of 120th and Huron........... 51
mi..... 27 mi...........
Val Phelps
9 (Sat)....... Parking lot on
Jackson St, east of the park
at 10th and Washington................................................
45 mi..... 29 mi...........
Tom Foss
10 (Sun).... Parking lot at the SW
corner of exit 255 on I-25..... 57
mi..... 40 mi...........
Charlie Henderson
16 (Sat)..... City Park parking lot
¼ mi north of the main
junction of Perry Park Ave and Spruce Mountain
road (Larkspur)................................................................
50 mi..... 43 mi...........
Charlie Henderson
17 (Sun).... Park-and-Ride at the SW
corner of the Boulder
Turnpike and McCaslin Blvd near Boulder............
50 mi..... 40 mi...........
Catharine Lookingbill
23 (Sat)..... Park-and-Ride at the SW
corner of 4th and
Broadway in Lyons.........................................................
47 mi..... 30 mi...........
Charlie Henderson
24 (Sun).... Park-and-Ride, SE corner
of 120th and Huron............ 66
mi..... 39 mi...........
Tom Foss
30 (Sat)..... In Lakewood at the
Green Mountain trailhead,
2 mi south of Colfax/US 40 on Rooney Road..........
52 mi..... 44 mi..........
Brent Myers
31 (Sun).... Convenience store at
the NE corner of
Exit 243 off I-25...................................................................
60 mi..... 40 mi...........
Val Phelps
RMCC Jersey Order
the world that you love to ride
with a RMCC jersey!
for jersey order forms in Chain Chatter
or contact Rick Melick to reserve your RMCC jersey.

Training Tip
almost spring and that means it’s time to get out and ride!
But after you dust off the bike and before you hit the road, you should
take that bike in for a spring tune-up. Or
maybe you just need some new gear for the new year!
way, RMCC members get club discounts at Schwab Cycles and the Denver Spoke -
just what you need to get ready for another outstanding cycling season!
RMCC on the web at
Club Meetings
club meetings are held on the first
Wednesday of each month. The
club convenes in the Denny’s Restaurant (Park Avenue and I-25) at 7:00 PM.
All RMCC members are encouraged to attend!
RMCC Club Meeting
6, 2002
to the Newsletter
submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to Penny Kosel at
for Chain Chatter are due on the first of each month.
Membership/address changes via e-mail to
you have a favorite RMCC memory or anecdote you’d like to share with Chain
Chatter readers? Send it to!
Chain Chatter
February, 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r |
people who love to ride
in April, RMCC club meetings will be held on the first Tuesday of each month.
Meetings start at 7:00 PM and are held at the Denny's Restaurant near Park
Avenue and 1-25. Meetings are a fantastic way to meet other RMCC members while
helping to plan, budget, and direct club activities.
RMCC member Jack Vincent will be competing in the Race Across America (RAAM)
June 16, 2002. RAAM is an ultra endurance bicycle race from the west coast to
the east coast. This year's 2,980-mile route will start in Portland, Oregon and
finish in Gulf Breeze, Florida.
is raising money for the Emily Griffith Center and to help defray some of the
expenses for the race. For every dollar donated, 75% will go to the center and
is tax deductible.
Emily Griffith Center's focus is to help troubled
children and families break the cycle of violence and abuse to become healthy
and productive members of the community.
Jack for a fund raising event to support RAAM and the Emily Griffith Center at
Old Chicago Pizza100 Superior Plaza Way (HWY 36 and McCaslin Blvd).
March 25, 2002
Time: 6:30 PM -9:00 PM
Cost: $20.00 per person
information is available - home.
RSVP to Jack or Kristi.
your RMCC jersey have that tired look? A few too many washes or none at all?
Rather transparent in spots or just doesn't fit anymore? Then it's time again to
order a new club jersey - the same exciting colors as last year, with the
unbeatable price of $65.00 each. All orders must be in no later THAN April 18th.
Please make checks payable to RMCC and send to:
5350 Ridge Trail
Littleton, CO 80123-1412
take nothing for granted. I now have only good days or great
days." - Lance Armstrong
Golden Gate Canyon ride is a great climbing exercise. Starting from the parking
lot at 10th and Jackson, the ride heads west through the west end of Golden on
Washington St. and joins CO 93 briefly (watch for heavy auto traffic) before
turning west into Golden Gate Canyon. The 18 miles from there to the turnaround
at Hwy 119 consist of several climbs of varying length and steepness, and
includes a couple wonderful descents to break things up. The canyon road is
lined mostly with small farms and ranches, and also runs next to the Golden Gate
Canyon State Park, which is worth a trip itself with many excellent hiking and
mountain biking trails.
you turn around at Hwy 119, the route obviously reverses, and the long climbs on
the way up turn in to great cruising down-hills, punctuated by a couple of
hearty but short climbs. Be watchful of auto traffic on 93 once you exit the
canyon, and cruise back to the starting point.
the first half of this ride heads mostly west in a mountain canyon. There is a
good chance of light to moderate headwinds, but take heart's a tailwind on
the way back! If there's the chance of bad weather moving in, you'll almost
certainly see it coming over the hills from the west and northwest. Even though
thunderstorms are rare in April, they can still happen!
Club Ride Schedule
joining RMCC for club rides in April should be ready to ride at the Meet Point
no later than 8:45 AM!
Cyclists in RMCC club rides must agree to abide by traffic laws and practice
courtesy and safety in cycling. Helmets are required!
Rides will be conducted in all weather subject to final decision of the Ride
Leader at the meet point. In severe conditions, rides may be changed or canceled
without prior notice.
Questions? Contact any ride leader for more information.
Club Rides Meet at 8:45 AM |
Date |
Point |
(E) |
(R/P) |
Leader |
6 (Sat)* |
High School parking lot Exit 161 off I-25, cross to east of I-25 on Hwy
105, right on frontage road, 1.5 miles to Higby
Rd, left 1/4. mile to lot on left |
mi |
mi |
Boyle |
. |
7 (Sun) |
SE corner of 120th and Huron |
mi |
mi |
Grealish |
. |
13 (Sat) |
at the northwest corner of Santa Fe Drive and Mineral Avenue in
Littleton |
mi |
mi |
McCammon |
. |
14 (Sun) |
lot at the SW corner of Exit 255 on I-25 |
mi |
mi |
Grealish |
. |
20 (Sat) |
lot on Jackson St, east of the park at 10th and Washington in Golden |
mi |
mi |
Myers |
. |
21 (Sun) |
O Tire and Safeway parking lot SE of Exit 181 off 1-25 in Castle Rock |
mi |
mi |
Kosel |
. |
27 (Sat) |
at the SW corner of 4th and Broadway in Lyons |
mi |
mi |
Phelps |
. |
28 (Sun) |
65 miles N of Denver: Stubs Gas Station just north of 1-76 Exit 66A and US
Hwy 34 on the east side of HWY 39 |
mi |
mi |
Jonathan Breen |
. |
Wednesday |
RMCC Handle Bar and Grill Show and Go Ride at 5:30 PM. |
Phelps |
. |
MUST carry your picture id to ride on Air Force Academy roads. |
RMCC on the web at
Club Meetings
club meetings are held on the first
Tuesday of each month. The
club convenes in the Denny’s Restaurant (Park Avenue and I-25) at 7:00 PM.
All RMCC members are encouraged to attend!
RMCC Club Meeting
2, 2002
to the Newsletter
submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to Penny Kosel at
for Chain Chatter are due on the first of each month.
Classic Registration
Get your registration in to secure your spot for the 2002 Joe Lookingbill Denver
to Aspen Classic! You can register online at, download an
application from the Denver-Aspen page - or look for
registration forms at your favorite bike shop.
to update your membership info? Send changes to
you have a favorite RMCC memory or anecdote you’d like to share with Chain
Chatter readers?
Send it to!
Chain Chatter
March 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club |
h a i n C h a t t e r |
For people who
love to ride |
Club Meetings
club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. The club
convenes in the Denny’s Restaurant (Park Avenue and 1-25) at 7:00 PM.
All RMCC members are encouraged to attend!
Club Meeting
Tuesday, May 7th
at 7:00 PM
Visit RMCC on the web -
to the Newsletter
Please submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to Penny
Kosel at
Submissions for Chain Chatter are due on the first of each month.
Classic Registration
Get your registration in to secure your spot
for the 2002 Joe Lookingbill Denver to Aspen Classic! You can register
online at, download an application from the Denver-Aspen
page, or look for registration forms at your favorite bike
Need to update your membership info? Send changes to
in June!
Look for a recap of the April 7th Populaire ride including results!
This is a new ride for the RMCC that travels east through the plains with
long stretches that will encourage group riding. The route was introduced
by Ft. Morgan's Team Jackalope (visit last fall. The road
surfaces are good; the motorists are few and very polite with single file
riding only warranted by opposing traffic.
ride will start in Wiggins, just 60 miles northeast of Denver on 1-76.
Park along the fence at Stub's and grab your last minute provisions.
Starting on road Q heading east will give you plenty of time to warm up as
this is a straight run east for about 20 miles and runs just south of Ft.
Morgan and into Brush. Going through Brush ends the corn and alfalfa
fields and begins a winding trip through the South Platte River bottom.
There is a convenience store on the east end of Brush for a good regroup
point. Turning left we follow Hwy 6 until Hillrose where we head north
across the Platte River. Once north of the river we begin to work our way
back west with up to five river crossings. The ride enters Ft. Morgan and
turns west past the beet plant and onto Orchard City where Michener's Centennial
was filmed. Here the ride is almost complete with the crossing of 1-76 and
returning through Wiggins.
are plenty of chances to shorten or extend this ride, as this area is
heavily agricultural with no subdivisions yet. Riding is very peaceful
with minimal traffic. And Stub's has this great shake machine for that
recovery drink after the ride.
forget! RMCC jersey orders are due April 18th! Make checks payable to RMCC
($65.00/jersey) and send to:
Rick Melick
5350 Ridge Trail
Littleton, CO 80123-1412
about RMCC jerseys?
best rides are the ones where you bite off much more than you can
chew--and live through it. " -- Doug Bradbury
We are looking for 2-3 people willing to crew for Fabio Biasiolo in RAAM
2002. Transportation to race start and back from race finish is included.
Fabio had a third place finish in the 2000 RAAM.
more details please contact Ann Crossland at;
Visit Fabio's website at If interested
please respond as early as possible in April 2002.
Something New...
...stoke a tandem! John Hughes is looking for a stoker to ride a CoMo
tandem with a Softride beam. He has 20 years of tandem experience (and as
many good stories!) and is looking for someone to help cruise through the
Sunday Endurance rides.
the time...
Chatter wants to print your memories - the best, the scariest, the
fondest, and the funniest - of cycling and RMCC. Send them to
RMCC Chain Chatter
c/o Penny Kosel
10056 Signal Butte Dr
Littleton, CO 80125 |
Challenge Series
The Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is proud to offer eleven timed rides for
people wanting a special challenge. All rides are in the traditional
French format (brevet style), with a mass start, checkpoints, time cards,
and check-in at finish.
Challenge Series Rides
May 5th E243-Horsetooth 200 Kilometer Brevet
18th Littleton-Black Forest 300 Kilometer Brevet
for brevet rides is encoraged!
Weekend Tour
Loop the Grand Mesa! Start in Rifle and loop Grand Mesa clockwise. This
SAG supported ride is coordinated by Barry Nash, and
pre-registration by May 8th is REQUIRED!
Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to
emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling
of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman
ride by on a wheel...the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood." --Susan
B. Anthony
ridden many brevets on my single and was having a little trouble getting
psyched up for the RMCC 200 km last year. John Lake was coming out from
Illinois for the brevet so I e-mailed him "Let's do it on the
tandem." He wrote back "I've never ridden tandem, but let's go
for it."
been riding tandem for over 20 years, but never for more than 100 miles.
The 200 km featured some stiff climbs - this would be a challenge!
Saturday we adjusted the stoker's position to fit John and went out for a
very wet eight-mile ride. We got started without falling over, climbed a
one mile 10% hill, and got back down in one piece. We were ready!
the weather was clear. At the start, I positioned the tandem at the back
of the group and then waited until they'd left, before we rolled out.
Trying something new is good, but we didn't need an audience.
was successful and on the rolling hills east of Boulder we practiced
standing. After a few tries, we could stand and stay in our lane! Our
butts would survive the ride!
the first control we were riding with others, pulling into the north wind.
We were one of the first bikes to reach the second control in Rawhide, and
gratefully we turned south. After about 80 miles, John and I rolled into
LaPorte. We took a leisurely break at Vern's, eating enormous cinnamon
buns, juice and anything else that looked tasty.
leaving LaPorte, we had only a few miles to warm-up and then we turned
onto Centennial, which featured four 10-15% climbs. I shifted into the
granny. I've done a lot of mountain biking and have good bike handling
skills. And John was a very steady stoker. So, we were able to grind up
the hill at 3.5 mph. We even passed Charlie Henderson!
the top I put it back in the middle ring. Starting up the next hill, I
waited too long to go for the granny and couldn't make the shift.
"Stopping!" and we clicked out of the pedals. John lifted the
bike while I shifted to the small ring. Charlie rode by us, with just a
bit of a smirk. Hmm ... now we need to get started without falling over.
"One, two, three" ...we did it!
paid more attention to shifting and we made it over the last two hills. As
we rolled down the last one and around Horsetooth Reservoir, I had a big
grin on my face and I suspected John did, too. We had it made - only a few
miles of prairie back to the finish.
most of you know, the Joe Lookingbill Denver- Aspen Classic is the premier
double-century ride in Colorado. But if the thought of a 200 mile ride in
one day is a little intimidating, remember that the D2A offers a 155 mile
option that is a piece of cake for century ride veterans!
you are wondering if you can do it here is the answer -YOU CAN! Come on
out on August 3rd and ride the 8th annual Joe Lookingbill Denver-Aspen
Denver-Aspen page |
Catharine Guy-Lookingbill
wonder why the Denver to Aspen Classic is called the "Joe Lookingbill
Denver to Aspen Classic?"
was one of the six founding member of the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club.
Each of these six original
members put $100.00 into the treasury in order to print RMCC's first ride
brochure. After countless visits to the many bike shops in Colorado,
RMCC's membership gradually grew to over 400 members.
was a valuable member of the club; he donated many hours of his time to
marketing the RMCC as well as serving in various positions on the board.
Joe designed our first club logo, the Denver to Aspen Classic jerseys, and
the Challenge Series jerseys. He worked with Barry Nash to develop the
RMCC logo.
addition, Joe relentlessly pursued Pearl Izumi to sponsor the RMCC; his
efforts resulted in RMCC being the only sponsored bicycling club. Because
of Joe's efforts, RMCC members still receive deep discounts on quality
truly defined the RMCC's motto "for people who love to ride" as
riding was one of his great passions; the Denver to
Aspen classic was one of his favorite rides despite the fact that he never
officially completed the course - he came within four minutes one year but
volunteer Bob Barday, ever vigilant in his duties, pulled him from the
course (D2A volunteers take their jobs very seriously!).
his death from colon cancer in 1999, board members voted unanimously to
change the Denver
to Aspen Classic to the "Joe Lookingbill Denver to Aspen
Classic." So remember - when you are riding this year's Denver to
Aspen Classic, Joe will be "riding like the wind" in your
slip-stream and just maybe he will put a hand on your saddle and help you
up Independence Pass.
event like the Denver- to Aspen Classic can't occur without the help of
our tireless staff of volunteers, and now is the time to start thinking
about being a volunteer for the 2002 event! We have opportunities both for
planning and day of ride support - whether you have 2 hours to spare or a
whole day to devote to the effort, we need you! Look for more
opportunities in the June Chain Chatter.
more information or to volunteer, contact Catharine Guy-Lookingbil
at |
Time -
April Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in April should be ready to ride at
the Meet Point no later than 8:45
Start Time -
May Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in May should be ready to ride at the
Meet Point no later than 7:45 AM!
Cyclists in RMCC club rides must agree to abide by traffic laws and
practice courtesy and safety in cycling.
Helmets are required!
Inclement Weather?
will be conducted in all weather subject to final decision of the Ride
Leader at the meet point. In severe conditions, rides may be changed or
canceled without prior notice.
a Ride Leader!
the few, the proud, the RMCC Ride Leaders! We are always looking for RMCC
members to take the lead in starting RMCC rides.
more information, check out the RMCC web site -
volunteer, contact John Klever.
If you have questions about joining a ride,
contact the ride leader listed in the schedule. Any other questions about
RMCC rides can be directed to John Klever.
Club Rides Meet at 8:45 AM |
Date |
Point |
(E) |
(R/P) |
Leader |
20 (Sat) |
lot on Jackson St, east of the park at 10th and Washington in Golden |
mi |
mi |
Myers |
. |
21 (Sun) |
O Tire and Safeway parking lot SE of Exit 181 off 1-25 in Castle
Rock |
mi |
mi |
Kosel |
. |
27 (Sat) |
at the SW corner of 4th and Broadway in Lyons |
mi |
mi |
Phelps |
.. |
28 (Sun) |
65 miles N of Denver: Stubs Gas Station just north of 1-76 Exit 66A
and US Hwy 34 on the east side of HWY 39 |
mi |
mi |
Jonathan Breen |
. |
Club Rides Meet at 7:45 AM |
Date |
Point |
(E) |
(R/P) |
Leader |
May 4 (Sat) |
Trailhead parking lot west of Green Mountain,
on the east side of Rooney Road; two miles south of the intersection
of Colfax Avenue/US Hwy 40 and Rooney Road (northeast Golden). |
78 mi |
41 mi |
Mike Kosel |
. |
May 5 (Sun) |
The park-and-Ride parking lot on the southwest
corner of Exit 243 on 1-25 30 miles north of Denver |
99 mi |
51 mi |
Val Phelps |
. |
May 11 (Sat) |
Park-and-Ride at the SW corner of the Boulder
Turnpike and McCaslin Blvd near Boulder |
99 mi |
62 mi |
Barry Nash |
. |
May 12 (Sun) |
Park-and-Ride at the SW corner of the Boulder
Turnpike and McCaslin Blvd near Boulder |
97 mi |
73 mi |
Dan McCammon |
. |
18 (Sat) |
O Tire and Safeway parking lot SE of Exit 181 off 1-25 in Castle
Rock |
mi |
mi |
Melick |
. |
19 (Sun) |
Commission parking lot at the southeast corner of Colfax Avenue and
Tower Road in Aurora |
mi |
mi |
Foss |
. |
25 (Sat) |
lot on Jackson St, east of the park at l0th and Washington in Golden |
mi |
mi |
Melick |
. |
May 26 (Sun) |
Parking lot at the SW corner of exit 255 on 1-25
109 mi |
61 mi |
Tom Foss |
. |
The Handle Bar and Grill Wednesday Evening Training Ride
is a weekly ride around Washington Park; meets in the northwest corner of
the South High School parking lot at 5:30 PM. Laps around the park provide
for socialization, varied pace, and the opportunity for late arrivals to
join the group. We will meet at The Handle Bar and Grill following the
ride. Discounts and gift certificates are available to RMCC members.
Val Phelps for more information.
Chain Chatter
April/May 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r |
people who love to ride
August 2002
Club Meetings
club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month. The club
convenes in the Denny’s Restaurant (Park Avenue and I-25) at 7:00 PM.
All RMCC members are encouraged to attend!
Club Meeting
Tuesday, August 6th at 7:00 PM
Visit RMCC on the web -
to the Newsletter
Please submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to Penny
Kosel at
Submissions for Chain Chatter are due on the first of each month.
Classic Registration
Get your registration in to secure your spot for the 2002 Joe
Lookingbill Denver to Aspen Classic! You can register
online at, download an application from the Denver-Aspen page, or look for registration forms at your favorite bike
In the April/May issue of Chain Chatter, Catharine Lookingbill's e-mail address
was incorrectly reported. Her e-mail address is:
John Hughes
Fourney, solo RAAM winner ('90 and '91 ), set a new winter trans-Alaska
record of 14 days 7 hours 40 minutes, taking 19 hours off of Mike Curriak's
Iditasport impossible time of 15 days 2 hours.
Fourney followed the same route as the 1925 serum run when brave Alaskans carried
life saving diphtheria serum from Anchorage to Nome. Fourney's route was 1049
Fourney rode an average of 18 hours a day with many 10 minute breaks. He rode
through three nights, but most nights he slept in beds when people would offer hospitality.
Two nights he slept in cabins with fires he was able to get going.
The weather was magnificent for Alaska, with sunshine, tailwinds and mild temperatures. It was -20 one
morning on the Yukon. Along the coast there were winds up to 50 mph. "At 0 that's
awfully cold, but I didn't frostbite any part of my body ." On the trek from the Yukon to
the coast at midnight a passing snow machine warned him that there was a pack of hungry wolves on the
trail ahead. Not wanting to lose time, Fourney continued on. "With scenes of 'when
animals attack' playing in my head. I wondered if I could get my front wheel off
quick enough to use as a shield. As I rode along I started to see the huge
tracks. I kept speeding up hoping to reach the Tripod Flats Cabin before they
could chow on my biker butt. I kept looking back into the darkness to see the
green reflections of their eyes. Once I rode off the trail and piled into the deep
snow, landing under my bike and its heavy load. Laying on my back staring up
at the northern lights I kicked the bike back up onto the trail to free myself from
the deep snow. In the struggle my headlight went dead, I was afraid I had broken the wire from the
battery pack to the headlamp. I was in total darkness, the northern lights
danced in the North and the stars were vivid. The wind was blowing 20 mph and I
was very cold from the snow that had gotten all over my warm body and melted.
"I had to fix the light to continue - waiting till the morning was not an option
since I only had a bivy sack. I found my pinch light in my jersey pocket and
decided to replace the batteries first, hoping that would be the problem. I took
the 4 D cell batteries out of the oversize Tupperware container bolted into my
main triangle of the bike. I dumped the used ones out onto the trail and used
the pinch light to identify the position that the new batteries had to be aligned. I
remember hoping that I didn't burn out the bulb because they are a bear to
change out in these conditions. By now I was sure the wolves were aware of my
situation and busy plotting their dinner. When the last battery snapped into
place the halogen light lit up like the sun: PURE RELIEF. Tripod Flats cabin
was less than a half mile down the trail. I arrived at 4 a.m. and started a raging
fire in the stove; it was 75 degrees in there in 20 minutes. I cooked dinner and
went to sleep feeling that I had truly dodged a bullet, I was thankful to be alive.
The next day Ranger Dave at the Old Woman cabin informed me that there has
never been a documented wolf attack on a human in Alaska. I felt like a Chechacko (Eskimo for
newcomer or greenhorn)."
Get Well,
John Klever!
One of the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club's most active members, John Klever, suffered a
broken clavicle in a cycling accident in June.
We hope for a speedy recovery!
RMCC Challenge
The Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is proud to offer eleven timed rides for people
wanting a special challenge. All rides are in the traditional French format (brevet
style ), with a mass start, checkpoints, time cards, and check-in at finish.
Look for upcoming events on the RMCC website ( or contact John Lee
Ellis for more information.
Great Divide
This is the adventure of a lifetime! Steve (m) and Skip (f) are looking for
companions to share this with us. The plan is to bike the lower half of Adventure
Cycling's Great Divide
Mountain Bike Trail. The route is from Frisco, CO to Antelope Wells, NM
(across the border from Mexico). The trail consists of 80% gravel roads, 10%
paved roads, and 5%
single track. The trip will take place the month of September as we tour, self-contained, on
mountain bikes. If
interested, please contact Skip at
By Val Phelps
I have recently completed the "shorter" spring brevet series. RMCC had 3
populaires (1 cancelled mid-ride due to weather) and the 200k regular
brevet. A populaire is approximately 75 miles and it is intended to give new brevet riders
experience riding a timed event.
Shorter brevets or populaires provide an
opportunity for serious cyclists to ride distances similar to centuries
against the clock. The vast majority of club cyclists aren't racers or ultra
distance riders but may welcome the challenge of riding a timed event.
It has been my experience that the "shorter" brevet series (between 75 and 130
miles) is challenging and provides an excellent opportunity to improve
stamina and speed. You do not need to ride the longer brevets to enjoy the
populaires or 200K events. Even though I ride frequently and log a great
number of miles per year, longer brevets do not hold an attraction for me. After
100 miles I become weary of "being one with my bike".
The "shorter" brevet series resumes in September with a populaire covering the
Copper Triangle and the 200k reversing the spring route. I encourage
the vast number of century riders to join us. A RMCC membership is all
that's required. I would be happy to answer any questions either by phone
or on a club ride. I can be easily recognized by the RMCC jersey, my orange &
yellow helmet, or my candy red Waterford.
Quite tolerable weather graced the 300km brevet this year (unlike last year's storms), rewarding the
record number of cyclists (22) who showed up to ride. People seemed to
like the course changes, including the extended loop at dawn around Chatfield Reservoir, the Gleneagle
checkpoint, and best of all, Fox Farm Road into Larkspur and its friendly and pastry-Iaden general store.
There were some new faces this year, including Jan Christiansen, a Dane working in England,
who'd just done a 300km in Wales, an interesting comparison. We also
appreciate other riders from outside the Front Range, such as Robin Favreau
and Marc Witkes from Durango, and David Blair from Basalt.
Time Rider
3:40 Grealish, Chris
3:40 Hornik, John
3:40 Montag, Jonathan
3:42 Howe, James
3:43 Herzberger, Matt
3:50 Foley, Paul
3:50 Myers, Brent
3:50 Phelps, Val
4:02 Kalisch, Tim
4:05 Miller, Robert
4:10 Boyle, Tom
4:16 Foss, Tom
4:16 Van Der Kamp, Bruce
4:20 McCamman, Dan
4:45 Higgins, Kerry
4:50 Hayes, Allen
5:08 Lynch, Donna |
300KM BREVET- MAY I8, 2002 |
Time Rider
11 :40 Grealish, Chris
11 :56 Favreau, Robin
11 :56 Talbert, Colin
11 :57 Smith, Vernon
12:02 Griswold, Wil
12:02 Rosenthal, Harris
12:41 Witkes, Marc
13:12 Vincent, Jack
13:14 Christiansen, Jan
13:14 Ellis, John Lee
13:14 Foley, Paul
13:26 Hughes, John
13:26 Kroonenberg, Stuart
13:26 Ryan, Jim
13:28 Blair,David
13:29 Farnsworth,Rex
13:29 Henderson, Charlie
13:29 Herrick, Jack
14:12 Barday, Robert
14:17 Bacus,Thomas
15:06 Billingsley, Ken
15:21 Simmons, Erick |
Start Time -August Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in August should be ready to ride at the Meet
Point no later than 7:45 AM!
Don't forgetl
Cyclists in RMCC club rides must agree to abide by traffic laws and practice courtesy
and safety in cycling.
Helmets are required!
Inclement Weather?
Rides will be conducted in all weather subject to the final decision of the Ride Leader
at the meet point. In severe conditions, rides may be changed or canceled without
prior notice.
Be a Ride Leaderl
Join the few, the proud, the RMCC Ride Leaders! We are always looking for RMCC
members to take the lead in starting RMCC rides.
For more information, check out the RMCC web site -
To volunteer, contact John Klever.
If you have questions about joining a ride, contact the ride leader listed in the schedule.
Any other questions about RMCC rides can be directed to John Klever.
Membership Updates
Need to update your membership info? Send changes to
The 8th Annual Denver- Aspen Classic is just around the corner and we need you! We have many
opportunities for RMCC members to get involved with this excellent cycling
event. Contact Mike at
denver2aspen@hotmail. com
Club Rides Meet at 7:45 AM |
Date |
Point |
(E) |
(R/P) |
Leader |
3 (Sat) |
8th Annual Joe Lookingbill Denver-Aspen Classic!
Fully supported cycling adventure! Registration and fee information at
the Denver-Aspen page |
200 mi |
155 mi |
Mike Kosel |
. |
August 10 (Sat) |
Start: Ted's Place (12 mi. north of Fort Collins
on Hwy 287)
(E) Route -Stove Prairie, Masonville, Horsetooth, Belleview
(R/P) Route -Stove Prairie, Masonville, Horsetooth loop |
90 mi |
56 mi |
Brent Myers |
. |
August 11 (Sun) |
Start: Littleton, NW corner of the
park-and-Ride at Sante Fe and Mineral
(E) Route -Deer Creek, Pleasant Park, Conifer, Black Mountain, Evergreen, Morrison, Willow Springs
(R/P) Route -Deer Creek, Pleasant Park, City View, South Turkey Creek, Deer Creek Loop |
67 mi |
45 mi |
Phelps |
. |
August 17 (Sat) |
Start: Golden, Parking lot on Jackson St, east of
the park at 10th and Washington
(E) Route -Mount Evans Ride, Golden, Lookout Mountain, Bergen Park, Echo Lake,
Mount Evans, and return
(R/P) Route -Lookout Mountain, Bergen Park, Juniper Pass and return |
93 mi |
47 mi |
Val Phelps |
. |
August 18 (Sun) |
Start: Castle Rock, the parking lot adjacent to Big O Tires, 2 blocks SE of 1-25 exit 181
(E) Route -Wolfensberger, Perry Park, Palmer Lake, Larkspur, Perry Park, Tomah
(R/P) Route -Wolfensberger, Perry Park, Larkspur Loop |
67 mi |
32 mi |
Jack Vincent |
. |
August 24 (Sat) |
Start: Littleton, NW corner of the park-and-Ride
at Sante Fe and Mineral
(E) Route -Deer Creek, Indian Hills, Upper Bear Creek, Stagecoach, Soda Creek,
Morrison, Willow Springs
(R/P) Route -Deer Creek, Tiny Town, Indian Hills, Kittredge, Evergreen, High Drive, Deer
Creek Loop |
77 mi |
52 mi |
Dan McCammon |
. |
August 25 (Sun) |
Start: Wagon Road, the park-and-Ride at the
SE corner of 120th and Huron in Northglenn
(E) Route -Airport loop, Tower Road, Barr Lake, Brighton loop
(R/P) Route -Barr Lake and return |
106 mi |
51 mi |
No Volunteer |
. |
August 31 (Sat) |
Start: Golden, Parking lot on Jackson St, east of
the park at 10th and Washington
(E) Route -Golden Gate Canyon, Rollinsville, Coal Creek Canyon
(R/P) Route -Golden Gate Canyon to Hwy 119 and return |
58 mi |
38 mi |
Tom Foss |
. |
The Handle Bar and Grill
Wednesday Evening Training Ride
This is a weekly ride around Washington Park; meets in the northwest corner of the South
High School parking lot at 5:30 PM. Laps around the park provide for socialization, varied
pace, and the opportunity for late arrivals to join the group. We will meet at The Handle Bar and Grill
following the ride. Discounts and gift certificates are available to RMCC members.
Contact Val
Phelps for more information.
Announcing Tuesday Night
Hill Climb Ride
This new ride will start in Golden at 6pm in the parking lot at 10th and Washington next to Parfet
Park (same location as our Golden ride starts.) We will climb Lookout Mountain or do other
loops that involve climbing. Rides will be about an hour long. The only Tuesday's without rides will
be the first Tuesday of each month, which is our club meeting. If you have questions please
contact the ride leader Jonathan Breen at
Chain Chatter
August 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r
September 2002
people who love to ride
RMCC Club Meetings
RMCC club meetings are
held on the first Tuesday of
each month. The club
convenes in the Denny's
Restaurant (Park Avenue
and I-25) at 7:00 PM. All
RMCC members are
encouraged to attend!
Next Club Meeting Tuesday, September 3rd
at 7:00 PM
We're Online!
Visit RMCC on the web -
Inputs to the Newsletter
Please submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to Penny Kosel at
Submissions for Chain
Chatter are due on the first
of each month.
Grand Loop Results
Only six riders challenged
themselves to the
extremely rigorous Grand
Loop (203 miles, 15,000 feet
of climbing). Five riders
were successful:
Tasshi Dennis -
Chris Grealish - 14:30
Robert Pogoreiz - 17:27
Nathan Dick - 17:27
Rex Farnsworth - 17:27
Missing Anything?
A number of items were
left at various aid stations
along the Denver-Aspen
route. If you believe you
left something behind,
contact Penny at
Mike Kosel
The 2002 Joe Lookingbill Denver-Aspen Classic has come and gone! On a warm August 3rd morning, we sent 85 riders out from the Denver Tech Center on the double-century , and 73 riders departed from Conifer on the 155-mile option. Despite recent hot weather, we caught
a break and saw temperatures in the 80s and most riders even encountered light rain between Twin Lakes and Aspen.
The 8th annual D2A saw some of the fastest
ride times in recent years -- the frontrunners finished the 200 mile option in 10 hours and 47 minutes. They arrived at Aspen's Paepcke Park before 2pm, where a beautiful day lent itself to hanging out in the park and swapping stories with other riders. Our latest finishers came screaming into the finish line at 9:28 PM, just two minutes before the end of the official qualifying time.
We congratulate everyone who rode on August 3rd! It was a pleasure to have everyone out on the route. And of course, many thanks go out
to our crack staff of tireless volunteers, all of whom went above and beyond the call of duty to assist cyclists and do their part to make the day run smoothly. Finally, we extend a note of gratitude to our supporters and sponsors. Although there are too many of them to list here, the D2A wouldn't be possible without the generous donations of food, materials, and facilities that make the Denver-Aspen Classic such an incredible event.
For more details, please check the web at
the Denver-Aspen page. We'll have the full ride results posted in mid-August, and certificates and medallions will be mailed by late August. For those who ordered jerseys, they're coming
in mid- September.
Once again, thanks to everyone...riders, staff, volunteers and supporters for making the Denver-Aspen Classic
a one-of-a-kind cycling experience.
The Denver-Aspen Classic Team:
Jonathan Breen, Randy Durban, Terri Durban, Bill Gosh, Catharine
Guy-Lookingbill, Dennis Horgan, Marsha Kestner, Mike Kosel, Penny Kosel, Teresa Kosel, Bryan Lookingbill,
Kathy Lookingbill, Dan Post, Terry Rudd, Tom Tobiason, and Jack Vincent (and son).
We hope to see everyone back next year on August 2nd, 2003!
RMCC Members now have the option of receiving the newsletter via e-mail (PDF) instead of
If you are interested, e-mail and you will be added to the list!
RMCC Challenge Series
The Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club is proud to offer eleven timed rides for people wanting a special challenge. All rides are in
the traditional French format (brevet style), with a mass start, checkpoints, time cards, and check-in at
These are self-supporting
rides meaning that most
checkpoints are at
convenience stores where
water and nourishment are
available. Contact John
Lee Ellis for
more information on any
challenge series ride.
September Challenge
Series Rides
September 14th Check-in: 8:30 AM
Start: The service station at
the Copper Mountain-
Frisco traiIhead
Course: Vail Pass, Vail,
Minturn, Tennessee Pass, Leadville, Fremont Pass
Distance: 120 km
September 22nd Check-in: 8:30 am.
Start: The convenience
store at the northeast
corner of Exit 243 (1-25 and
State Highway 66)
Course: Masonville, Horsetooth, Laporte, Rawhide power plant, Wellington, Windsor
Distance: 200 km
300KM BREVET - 27 JULY 2002
Helmets off to Charlie Henderson! He put together this rolling, challenging, yet quiet route as a substitute for our Woodland Park course that forest fires had nixed (threat of blowing ash or flash floods caused us to re-route).
The new course combines the best of the spring 300km visit to Black Forest, subtracts the most aggravating stretches, and adds climbs over seemingly countless rollercoaster
hills for a strenuous yet tranquil ride! Weather was excellent, with some cloud cover to blunt the sun, and prolonged riding above 7,000 ft., which made for mild temps.
Ridership more than doubled over last summer's 300km, and we think cyclists will enjoy this route for next spring's 300km.
600KM BREVET - 29-30 JUNE 2002
The smoke that spared us on the 400km did infiltrate the 600km, together with temperatures grazing
100 degrees. That, coupled with the typical headwinds in the shadow of Meeker and Longs Peaks, made for some real work, for which the excellent cinnamon rolls at the Glen Haven General Store were a welcome restorative.
Out-of-towners included Ann Bond Crossland from Aspen, who, together with Bob Barday,
John Lee Ellis, Jim Emig, Rex Farnsworth, Charlie Henderson, and Chris Grealish, is now set for Boston-Montreal-Boston.
Thanks to Wojciech, Charlie Henderson's support person, for keeping a watchful and helpful eye on the brevet riders!
1000KM BREVET -15-18 JUNE 2002
Participation quadrupled over last year's inaugural
1000km, drawn no doubt by the chance to climb two canyons, with Fort Morgan and the Weldon Valley as "intermission" in between.
Riders endured some toasty temperatures and smoky air, especially on the make-up ride, June 29th. For Charlie Henderson and John Lee Ellis, this completes their qualification for the Randonneur 5000 award from Paris. Jack Herrick earned his last year and did this ride
ostensibly just for fun, as did Marcia Kestner.
Thanks to Jack Herrick for helping lie out and measure the route!
300 KM BREVET - 07/27/02
11:56 EMIG,James
12:13 ELLIS, John Lee
12:23 HOWE, James
13:36 HENDERSON, Charlie
13:36 HIGGINS, Kerry
600 KM BREVET - 06/29-30/02
24:30 GREALISH, Chris
30:00 FOLEY, Paul
30:00 SMITH, Vernon
30:44 BARANCZYK, Merle
31:58 CROSSLAND, Ann
31:58 HERRICK, Jack
32:17 ELLIS, John Lee
32:22 BARDAY, Robert
32:22 FARNsWORTH, Rex
32:38 EMIG, James
1000 KM BREVET - 06/15-18/02
61:14 HENDERSON, Charlie*
62:20 ELLIS, John Lee
64:05 HERRICK, Jack
64:05 KESTNER, Marcia
400KM BREVET - 06/15-16/02
15:57 EMIG, James
15:57 FAVREAU, Robin
15:57 SMITH,Vernon
16:10 GREALISH, Chris
17:18 FOLEY, Paul
18:45 BLAIR, David
18:45 HENDERSON, Charlie
18:45 HUGHES, John
19:15 HOWE, John
19:30 BARDAY, Robert
19:30 HIGGINS, Kerry
21:00 DEIGNAN, Michael
21:00 SIMMONS, Eric |
Start Time
August Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in August should be ready to ride at the Meet Point no later than 7:45 AM!
Start Time - September Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for
club rides in September
should be ready to ride at
the Meet Point no later than
8:45 AM!
Don't forget!
Cyclists in RMCC club rides
must agree to abide by traffic
laws and practice courtesy
and safety in cycling.
Helmets are required!
Inclement Weather?
Rides will be conducted in all weather subject to final decision of the Ride Leader at the meet point. In severe
conditions, rides may be changed or canceled without prior notice.
Be a Ride Leader!
Join the few, the proud, the
RMCC Ride Leaders! We are
always looking for RMCC
members to take the lead in
starting RMCC rides.
For more information, check
out the RMCC web site -
To volunteer, contact John Klever.
If you have questions about
joining a ride, contact the ride
leader listed in the schedule.
Any other questions about
RMCC rides can be directed
to John Klever.
Membership Updates
Need to update your
membership info? Send
changes to
bandhm yers
For Sale
99' Litespeed Ultimate, 58
cm C-T, 57 cm top tube;
brushed titanium full dura-ace 8 speed bar and
shifters; cxp 33 wheels; $4000 new/ sell for $2000 Victor: 719. 221.1592
99' Trek Carbon OCLU
5500 frame and fork; quill
stem; 58 cm, 57 cm top tube, new factory 2002
USPS paint job still in box;
$1600 new/ sell for $1000 Victor: 719. 221.1592
Ride Schedule |
August 24 (Sat) |
Park-Morrison Loop |
Dan McCammon |
Start: Littleton, NW corner of the park-and-Ride
at Sante Fe and Mineral
(End) Route: 77 mi - Deer Creek, Indian Hills, Upper Bear Creek, Stagecoach, Soda Creek,
Morrison, Willow Springs
(R/P) Route: 52 mi - Deer Creek, Tiny Town, Indian Hills, Kittredge, Evergreen, High Drive, Deer
Creek Loop |
August 25 (Sun) |
Northglenn-Prospect Valley Century |
Start: Wagon Road, the park-and-Ride at the
SE corner of 120th and Huron in Northglenn
(End) Route: 106 mi - Airport loop, Tower Road, Barr Lake, Brighton loop
(R/P) Route: 51 mi - Barr Lake and return |
August 31 (Sat) |
Gate Canyon Loop |
Tom Foss |
Start: Golden, Parking lot on Jackson St, east of
the park at 10th and Washington
(End) Route: 58 mi - Golden Gate Canyon, Rollinsville, Coal Creek Canyon
(R/P) Route: 38 mi - Golden Gate Canyon to Hwy 119 and return |
1 (Sun) |
and loop, then return |
Kalish |
Highway Commission parking lot at the southeast corner of Colfax
Avenue and Tower Road in Aurora
(End) Route: 67 mi - Aurora, Watkins, Bennett, 88th Avenue,
Strasburg, Bennett, Watkins, Aurora
(R/P) Route: 39 mi - Aurora, Watkins, Bennett, Watkins, Aurora |
Sept 7 (Sat) |
Granby-Rand return |
Jack Vincent |
Start: The convenience store/gas station at US Highways 34 and 40 in Granby. Granby is about 80 miles northwest of Denver.
(End) Route: 68 mi - Granby, Willow Creek Pass, Rand, Willow Creek Pass, Granby
(R/P) Route: 46 mi - Granby, Willow Creek Pass, Granby |
Sept 8 (Sun) |
Superior-Boulder-Ward return |
Tom Foss |
Start: Superior, the
park-and-Ride at the southwest
corner of the Boulder Turnpike and McCaslin Boulevard in Superior near Boulder.
(End) Route: 62 mi - Superior, Boulder, Lee Hill Road, Lefthand Canyon, Ward,
Lefthand Canyon, Old Stage Road, Boulder, Superior
R/P) Route: 49 mi - Superior, Boulder, Lee Hill Road, Lefthand Canyon, James Canyon, Jamestown, James Canyon, Lefthand Canyon, Old Stage Road,
Boulder, Superior |
Sept 14 (Sat) |
Copper Triangle Counterclockwise |
Tom Foss |
Start: The service station parking lot on the east side of State Highway 91 in Copper Mountain. Copper Mountain is about 70 miles west of Denver.
(End) Route: 78 mi - Copper Mountain, Vail Pass, Vail, Minturn, Tennessee Pass,
Leadville, Fremont Pass, Copper Mountain
(R/P) Route: 41 mi - Copper Mountain, Vail Pass, Vail, Vail Pass, Copper Mountain |
Sept 15 (Sun) |
Littleton-City View-Chatfield loop |
Jack Vincent |
Start: Littleton, NW
corner of the park-and-Ride at Sante Fe and Mineral
(All) Route: 56 mi - Littleton, Deer Creek Canyon, Phillipsburg, Pleasant Park Road, Conifer, Aspen Park, City View, Deer Creek Canyon, Chatfield Reservoir, Littleton |
The Handle Bar and Grill Wednesday Evening Training Ride
This is a weekly ride around Washington Park; meets in the northwest
corner of the South High School parking lot at 5:30 PM. Laps around the park provide for socialization, varied pace, and the opportunity for
late arrivals to join the group.
We will meet at The Handle Bar and Grill following the ride. Discounts and gift certificates are available to RMCC members.
Contact Val Phelps for more information.
Tuesday Night Hill Climb Ride
This ride starts in Golden at 6pm in the parking lot at
l0th and Washington next to Parfet Park (same location as our Golden
ride starts.) We will climb Lookout Mountain or do other loops that involve climbing.
Rides will be about an hour long. The only Tuesdays without rides will be the first Tuesday of each month, which is our club
meeting. If you have questions, please contact the ride leader Jonathan Breen at |
Chain Chatter
September 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r
October 2002
people who love to ride
RMCC Club Meetings
RMCC club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of
each month. The club convenes in the Denny's Restaurant (Park Avenue and 1-25) at 7:00 PM. All
RMCC members are
encouraged to attend!
Next Club Meeting
Tuesday, November 5th at 7:00 PM
We're Online!
Visit RMCC on the web -
Inputs to the Newsletter
Please submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to
Penny Kosel at
Submissions for Chain Chatter are due on the first of each month.
Chain Chatter Wants to Hear from YOU!
Chain Chatter wants to hear about your favorite rides, the time you won the big event,
your very first cycling race -anything to do with your life as a cyclist! Send submissions
Missing Anything?
A number of items were left at various aid stations along the Denver-Aspen
route. If you believe you left something behind, contact Penny at
Your Vote Count!
The November elections are approaching. Please learn about your candidates
and HAVE YOUR VOTE COUNT!! With that in mind, this is a short update on communication between the bicycle community and the Jefferson County
Commissioners. The issue defined by the commissioners in the canyons is that motorists are speeding and causing unsafe driving conditions. Rather than
enforce the speed limits (and provide a safe environment for cyclists as well as
motorists), the commissioners have chosen to skirt the issue and put in rumble strips.
We have sent Richard Sheehan, in particular, our multiple requests, numerous
letters (was yours in there?) and several hundred signatures on petitions regarding rumble strips in the foothill canyons. His response to the community
was a short three sentence response saying the county has money, it has to be spent or lost, and they are spending the money on rumble strips. When pressed
to produce a rationale, a list of accidents was issued with an evaluation of which
ones could have been mitigated with rumble strips. Bike Jeffco and a number of other cyclists reviewed this report as well as personnel from the Colorado
Department of Transportation (CDOT). A thorough and politely worded evaluation was sent that
disputed a significant number of the items from the commissioners report, and
CDOT also concurred that the study did not support any definitive safety factors.
CDOT verified that, indeed, there is no study at this time that has any statistics
for the safety value of center rumble strips especially in a one lane, narrow road
situation such as the canyons. Mr. Sheehan's response was "Interesting"
(shorthand, for I don't care). He has also continued to decline requests to meet
and discuss the issues.
On any given weekend there can be more cyclists in the canyons than motorists. If our commissioners do not believe in representing
the interests of their constituents, it seems like a good time to vote someone into office who
has an interest in our safety, a person who will listen to us and take action. At
this time, Cal Johnson has been receptive to our calls and also does ride a bike.
He is running for the spot held by incumbent Sheehan. Please look into the issues and Vote Wisely!
RMCC Members in the Spotlight
Chris Grealish --
RMCC member Chris Grealish WON the 2002 1200K Boston-Montreal-Boston Bicycle Event in 53 hours, 48 minutes. Congratulations to Chris! This was the most difficult BMB course ever and the BMB is the toughest 1200K in the world.
Jim Emig and Bob Barday
Two other RMCC members successfully completed the 2002 BMB:
Jim Emig 79 hours, 55 minutes and
Bob Barday 87 hours 08 minutes
Congratulations to Chris, Jim and Bob!!!
Larry Augenstein
Larry Augenstein rode 176.24 miles in 12 hours at the Mississippi Valley 24
Hour Challenge 2002. He was Men's 12 Hour 50+ category winner, and placed 4th overall in
the 12 hour event. Great job, Larry!
Chain Chatter via E-mail
RMCC Members now have the option of receiving the newsletter via e-mail (PDF) instead of
USPS. If you are interested, e-mail
and you will be added to the list!
The Handle Bar and Grill Wednesday Evening Training Ride
This is a weekly ride around Washington Park; meets in the northwest corner of
the South High School parking lot at 5:30 PM. Laps around the park provide for socialization, varied
pace, and the opportunity for late arrivals to join the group. We will meet at The Handle Bar and
Grill following the ride. Discounts and gift certificates are available to RMCC members.
Contact Val Phelps for more information.
Tuesday Night Hill Climb Ride
This ride starts in Golden at 6pm in the parking lot 1 at 10th and Washington next
to Parfet Park (same location as our Golden ride starts.) We will climb Lookout
Mountain or do other loops that involve climbing. Rides will be about an hour long.
The only Tuesdays without rides will be the first Tuesday of each month, which is
our club meeting. If you have questions, please contact the ride leader Jonathan
Breen at
A Triple Bypass Round Trip
An article by
member Tasshi Dennis
A couple of years ago a group of us doing the Triple Bypass speculated that it
might be possible to pedal back to Bergen Park the same day and arrive shortly after the first shuttle bus. It seemed feasible when you considered what we had
just done: an early finish in Avon, a few hours wait for the first departure, a two
hour bus ride, and an additional wait for bikes to be delivered. Since this process
took about six "idle" hours, it seemed like a great opportunity to enjoy even more
Last year I rode the Triple with the intention of attempting a return. However, tired
legs from riding the Grand Loop the previous weekend combined with too fast of a
pace and nasty weather thwarted the attempt. This year I hoped for good weather and rode conservatively to Avon, letting colleagues sail by. I arrived in
Avon in good time, but found that lunch wouldn't be served until 2 PM. I ate a little before
hitting the road at 2:30, slowly climbing Vail Pass as herds of cyclists flew by on
the left. My big fear was that oncoming traffic on the bike path would be a sure
recipe for a head-on collision. Thankfully the later riders were descending cautiously with good communication.
I enjoyed the watermelon at the Vail Pass aid station a second time before dropping down to Frisco, noting
that the oncoming cyclists had now thinned to a trickle. I arrived at Summit High School at
5:45 PM only to find the aid station gone and not a soul in sight. Loneliness really
began to settle in as I climbed Swan Mountain, with heavy clouds forming. Just beyond Keystone I noticed a sign stating "Loveland Pass Summit 8 Miles,"
guaranteeing that it would be another hour before I reached the other side of the
Divide! Furthermore, all of the passes are a lot steeper on their western
side. During the climb four cars with bikes with Triple Bypass numbers on
them passed me.
At this point I felt like a total idiot, being out on the road while everyone else was
"idly" recounting the adventures of the day. I reached the summit just as golden
sunlight broke through, but it was a short moment of glory as I needed every article of clothing I had for the cold descent. At the ski area I put on my lights and
hit I-70, only to be passed by even more cars with bikes.
In Idaho Springs I decided I had no choice but to skip Squaw Pass - no Double Triple this year. I
already had friends waiting for me and a rough descent at 11 PM would have been very dangerous. So I went up Floyd
Hill to Bergen Park and pulled into the park-and-Ride at 10:15 PM. People were still loading up bikes and gave me a
puzzled look as I exclaimed, "Round Trip!"
Is it feasible? - Yes.
Is it much fun? - Not really.
Will I do it again? - No chance! |
Start Time
September Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in October should be ready to ride at the
Meet Point no later than 8:45 AM!
Start Time -
October Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in November should be ready to ride at the
Meet Point no later than 9:45 AM!
Don't forget!
Cyclists in RMCC club rides must agree to abide by traffic laws and practice courtesy
and safety in cycling. Helmets are required!
Inclement Weather?
Rides will be conducted in all weather subject to final decision of the Ride Leader
at the meet point. In severe conditions, rides may be changed or canceled without
prior notice.
Be a Ride Leader!
Join the few, the proud, the RMCC Ride Leaders! We are always looking for
RMCC members to take the lead in starting RMCC rides. For more information,
check out the RMCC web site -
To volunteer, contact John Klever.
If you have questions about joining a ride contact the ride leader listed in the
schedule. Any other questions about RMCC rides can be directed to John
Membership Updates
Need to update your membership info? Send changes to
Platte River Bike
Path Weekly Show and Go Inauguration!
After the final Wednesday night Handle Bar and Grill Show-and-Go on
October 23rd, a new show-and-go ride, leaving from the 15th Street REI and
exploring the Platte River bike path, will be inaugurated on October 30th. Lights
will be a must, and riding a mountain bike would be a good idea.
Sept 28 (Sat)
Lyons-Raymond-Ward loop
Jack Vincent
Park-and-Ride at the SW corner of 4th Avenue &
Broadway Street in Lyons.
(All) Route: 47 mi -Lyons, South Saint Vrain Canyon, Raymond, Ward, Lefthand Canyon, Lyons
Sept 29 (Sun)
Littleton-Deer Creek-High Drive loop
Tom Foss
Park-and-Ride at the NW corner of Santa Fe Drive
& Mineral Avenue in Littleton.
(End) Route: 49 mi -Littleton, Deer Creek Canyon, High Drive, Evergreen,
Kittredge, Indian Hills, Willow Springs, Ken Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon, Littleton
(R/P) Route: 35 mi -Littleton, Deer Creek Canyon, Indian Hills, Willow Springs, Ken
Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon, Littleton
Oct 5 (Sat)
Superior-Apple Valley loop
Val Phelps
Park-and-Ride at the SW corner of the Boulder Turnpike & McCaslin Boulevard.
(End) Route: 77 mi -Superior, Boulder, Hygiene, Lyons, Apple Valley, Lyons, Longmont, Firestone, Frederick, Dacono, Erie,
Lafayette, Louisville, Superior
(R/P) Route: 58 mi -Superior, Boulder, Hygiene, Longmont, Louisville, Superior
Oct 6 (Sun)
Monument-Air Force Academy loop
Rick Melick
Start: Lewis-Palmer High School parking lot near Monument.
Exit 161 off I-25, cross to the east of 1-25 on Highway 105, right on the frontage road, 1.5 miles to Higby Road, left 1/4
mile to the parking lot on the left.
(All) Route: 49 mi - Monument (Lewis Palmer), Air Force Academy double loop,
Roller Coaster Road, Monument
Oct 12 (Sat)
Exit 255-Rist Canyon Century
Brent Myers
Start: The parking lot at the southwest corner of Exit 255 on
I-25 42 miles north of Denver.
(End) Route: 96 mi - Exit 255, Carter Lake, Masonville, Horsetooth Reservoir,
Bellvue, Rist Canyon, Stove Prairie, Masonville, Loveland, Exit 255
(R/P) Route: 37 mi - Exit 255, Carter Lake, Exit 255
Oct 13 (Sun)
Wiggins-Hillrose-Orchard Century
Beth Long
Start: Stubs Gas Station just north of Interstate 76 Exit 66A &
US Highway 34 on the east side of State Highway 39. State Highway 39 turns into State Highway 52 south of Interstate
76. Wiggins is about 65 miles northeast of Denver on Interstate 76.
(End) Route: 92 mi - Wiggins, Fort Morgan, Brush, Hillrose, Snyder, Dodd, Fort Morgan,
Weldona, Goodrich, Wiggins
(R/P) Route: 54 mi - Wiggins, Fort Morgan, Weldona, Goodrich, Orchard, Wiggins
Oct 19 (Sat)
Golden-Evergreen-Soda Creek loop |
Tom Foss
Start: The parking lot along Jackson Street east of Parfet Park
at l0th & Washington Streets in Golden
(End) Route: 54 mi - Golden, Rooney Road, Red Rocks, Evergreen, Stage Coach Road,
Bergen Park, Soda Creek Road, Lookout Mountain, Golden
(R/P) Route: 48 mi - Golden, Rooney Road, Red Rocks, Evergreen, Stage Coach Road,
Bergen Park, Lookout Mountain, Golden
Oct 20 (Sun)
Northglenn-Barr Lake-Dacono loop |
Val Phelps
Start: The
Park-and-Ride at the SE corner of 120th Avenue &
Huron Street in Northglenn.
(End) Route: 60 mi - Northglenn, Henderson, Barr Lake, Brighton, Dacono, Northglenn
(R/P) Route: 41 mi - Northglenn, Henderson, Brighton, Dacono, Northglenn
Chance 1200KM Randonnée - 4 - 7 September 2002
This year's Colorado Last Chance experienced "explosive growth" with 14
registered riders and 13 starters. The finishing rate was 75%, comparable to last
year, and 75% of the riders came from out of state - British Columbia,
Saskatchewan, California, Arizona, and Texas. Most riders did well, despite
toasty temps in the 90's, with high humidity in Kansas and unrelenting winds on
the Colorado Eastern Plains (in other words, normal conditions).
Ken Bonner finished first, with a sub-60-hour time close to the sub-60-hour time
he had posted at Boston-Montreal-Boston mere weeks before, and a similar time
at the Rocky Mountain 1200 mere weeks before that. In other words, he came to
this event already warmed up.
Local Riders - Charlie Henderson finished a close third, while simultaneously
managing the course and coordinating with the event support person,
Wojciech. Charlie drives this route often enough for ranching purposes that he knows every
hill. Marcia Kestner in her typical low-key fashion, simply showed up and rode the
1200 kilometers. Finally, Paul Foley completed a successful rookie brevet season
by riding the Last Chance 1000km option.
Texan brevet administrator Russell Hahn brought a number of fellow riders, to
whom the heat and open landscape were nothing new. The event drew two
recumbents - Russell and Jean-luc Friang. |
Chain Chatter
October 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r
November 2002
people who love to ride
RMCC Club Meetings
RMCC club meetings are
held on the first Tuesday of
each month. The club
convenes in the Denny's
Restaurant (Park Avenue
and I-25) at 7:00 PM. All
RMCC members are
encouraged to attend!
Next Club Meeting
Tuesday, November 5th
at 7:00 PM
We're Online!
Visit RMCC on the web at and the
Denver-Aspen page
Inputs to the Newsletter
Please submit comments, suggestions, corrections or column ideas to the Kosels at
mike_kosel@hotmail. com
Submissions for Chain
Chatter are due by the first
of each month.
We Need a New Editor!
Interested in taking a more active role in your cycling club? We're looking for a
new newsletter editor.
Responsibilities include:
-soliciting articles
-assembling the newsletter
-delivering it to the printer.
Generally the newsletter is targeted to be published by
the 12th of each month.
Interested? Contact Mike Kosel
RMCC Challenge Series
The Rocky Mountain
Cycling would like to
thank everyone who
participated in the 2002
Challenge Series.
These self-supporting rides
will be back for the 2003
season, so keep watching
the newsletter and the
RMCC website!
Membership Updates
Need to update your
membership info? Send
changes to
2002 Summer Contrail
By Brent Myers
Waking to the sounds of cleats on the veranda of the Redstone Inn, I yell at my
roomy to wake up as I realize the alarm clock I had set has not gone off, and we have only fifteen minutes to dress and load our stuff into the sag van...the Rexmobile piloted by Voijtek our sag driver.
I think of the day before riding from Leadville over Independence Pass and how easy it was with fresh legs. Chasing cars down the pass was a blast, trying to mimic Glenn's style in cornering, as I went flying into Aspen for lunch. Our evening in the dining room at the Redstone Inn was outstanding with all of us enjoying the fine food and Charlie's favorite Cabernet, then Chardonnay, and more Cabernet.
I think back to the first day when we joined the Triple route and enjoyed riding with all of our friends along the way. We stopped in Idaho Springs for breakfast, which only turned into a cup of coffee. By the time I got to Loveland I was into full "bonk mode" and reminded
myself never to skip breakfast again, so I was standing in line while people were bringing food to me. This was the first time I got to
know Fabio Biasiolo, an Italian pro racer who had joined us for the week to recover from
RAAM. Unfortunately health problems forced him out early, but we still had the honor to ride with him. Sensing my pain he put up with my grumpy demeanor and not only rode with me, but pushed me all the way up Fremont Pass.
For one day I had a domestique I will never forget. Fabio is truly a great rider and can be found at
When we rode from Redstone over McClure through the Delta Valley, our energy began to ebb. The smoke from the west, a little heat, and the 130 miles to Ouray seemed overwhelming. After leaving the Dairy Queen in Montrose I was refreshed and ready to go hard the last few miles and see whom I could catch. Ascending into this magnificent valley for the first time slowed my pursuit, and I am still thanking Charlie for this route into the San
Juans. We
had another fine dinner (Italian) with friends, and retired full, happy, and exhausted.
Fourth day was an optional ride to the Dallas Divide. I used it to rest a bit, only riding 50 miles and then relaxing at the hot springs in Ridgeway. One of my dollar bills is attached to the ceiling at Bueno Tiempo restaurant in
Ouray that serves great Mexican, and it will cost you a dollar to find out why the dollars are there.
I finally started to get my legs back as we headed south to Durango over Red Mountain,
Molas, and Coal Bank passes. The weather and scenery were ideal and the climbs substantial but with flats in between to recover. It is now my favorite mountain ride thanks to the grandeur of the San Juans completely surrounding me. Descending into Durango, I could see the
burn areas and see how lucky it was that more damage had not occurred.
Riding out of Durango to do a loop into New Mexico, I was in one of my favorite riding modes, flat, cool weather, and people to draft behind me. We made great time to Aztec thru the oil fields Bob had helped to develop a few years back. This was the day for flats, broken spokes and knee pain. I sagged partway from Aztec with ice on my knee,
but picked up the final leg from Ignacio to Durango. Dinner at one of Robin's favorite places, the Durango Brewery, was a treat at which I would recommend the green chili
In the morning we opened the cafe for the second time, and I think they were getting used to us in that the wait staff didn't try and dissuade us from ordering the 3-stack of pancakes and whatever sides we wanted.
Robin showed us a new route to take to
Bayfield on 240 Road, which then comes into Bayfield from the north. The climbs were
gentle with the area north of Bayfield being as beautiful as Colorado can be. Arriving in Pagosa Springs, our sag vehicle was waiting
with food, and I finished the pizza left over
from Durango.
From there we went south into New Mexico on
Highwayy 84 to Olama, New Mexico. Rex had been valiantly chasing me for miles and was almost ready to take the lead until the rabbit kissed him. The Dairy Queen was strategically located right in the center of town, and we indulged upon our arrival.
The final day of riding was bittersweet in that it was our final breakfast and final ride. This was as good a group to ride and have fun with as could be found! With Rex, Fabio, Ann, Helena, Jim, Robin, Carol, Beth, Bob, Glen and me,
we were heading out in the cool morning to tackle the 130 miles to La Veta. I knew this was the last time to ride with everyone. Cumbres Pass was cool and shrouded in the morning mists that
can hang in the valleys until the sun burns the morning off. Descending into the SanLuis Valley through an area rich in history from Antonito to the home of the Manassas Mauler, Jack Dempsey, we continued
through the high desert of the San Luis Hills for many miles to the small town of San Luis. At this point with the time cut-off looming, I had to start pushing to reach our final destination and picked up Carol who kept me pushing over
La Veta Pass. Totally spent we arrived and had malts and loaded up with car food for the ride home to Denver.
This was a Contrail filled with laughter, camaraderie and majestic beauty. Riding with everyone was a joyful experience I will always treasure. I have come to enjoy the Contrails enough to plan to attend every year.
Bicycle Colorado
Bicycle Colorado's mission
is to encourage and
promote bicycling, increase safety , improve conditions,
and provide a voice for
cyclists in Colorado.
RMCC is proud to support
Bicycle Colorado's efforts
to improve bicycling
throughout Colorado.
Check out their website at
more information,
including excellent
information about
advocacy, hot issues,
volunteering, membership,
and more! RMCC Jerseys
Need an RMCC jersey? There are just a couple
left!! The cost is $65, including shipping.
Contact Rick Melick if interested at
2003 Denver-Aspen Classic News
By Mike Kosel
Holy cow! It's only October, and we're already thinking about the 2003 Joe Lookingbill Denver-Aspen Classic? You better believe it! A few notes for your consideration:
The 2003 D2A will take place on Saturday, August 2nd. Mark your calendars now!
We are always looking for volunteers, even in
the off-season! If you're interested in working behind the scenes on the premier double-
century event in the country, then we want to hear from you! What's to be done in the dead of
- Volunteer coordination
- Supporters and sponsors
- Permits and logistics
- Day-of-ride volunteering
And, for those with a flair for graphic design, we're going to be taking concepts for the 2003 Denver-Aspen jersey! So if you have a great idea for a cycling jersey, let us know! If we pick your design, we'll not only pay for your entry in the 2003 D2A, but we'll buy you a jersey, too! Send ideas via
e-mail to
Or for you cocktail-napkin artists, you can mail sketches
c/o Denver-Aspen Classic
10056 Signal Butte Dr.
Littleton, CO. 80125
Designs must be received by February 1st to be considered. A winner will be announced by March 1st.
2003 RMCC Ride Schedule
It's time to start thinking about the 2003 RMCC Ride Schedule! The RMCC Board will be meeting several times over the next couple months to put together another year of scenic, challenging, and above all, fun rides for the 2003 calendar year. If you would like to be a part of this process, or have comments on this
year's rides, suggestions for new or improved rides, or any other ideas regarding RMCC rides, contact John
Start Time-
October Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for club rides in October should be ready to ride at the Meet Point no later than 9:45 AM!
Start Time- November Rides
Cyclists joining RMCC for
club rides in November
should be ready to ride at
the Meet Point no later than
10:45 AM! Don't forget!
Cyclists in RMCC club rides
must agree to abide by traffic
laws and practice courtesy
and safety in cycling.
Helmets are required! Inclement Weather?
Rides will be conducted in all weather subject to
the final decision of the Ride Leader at the meet point. In severe conditions, rides may be changed or canceled without
prior notice. Be a Ride Leader!
Join the few, the proud, the
RMCC Ride Leaders! We are
always looking for RMCC
members to take the lead in
starting RMCC rides.
For more information, check
out the RMCC web site -
To volunteer, contact
John Klever. Questions?
If you have questions about joining a ride contact the ride leader listed in the schedule. Any other questions about RMCC rides can be directed to John
Klever. For Sale
99' Litespeed Ultimate, 58
cm C-T, 57 cm top tube;
brushed titanium full Dura-Ace 8 speed bar and
shifters; cxp 33 wheels; $4000 new/sell for $2000 Victor: (719) 221 -1592
99' Trek Carbon OCLU
5500 frame and fork; quill
stem; 58 cm, 57 cm top tube, new factory 2002
USPS paint job; still in box;
$1600 new/sell for $1000 Victor: (719) 221 -1592 |
Oct 26 (Sat)
Larkspur-Monument-Black Forest
Tom Boyle
Start: City Park parking lot 1/4 mile north of the main junction of Perry Park Avenue and Spruce Mountain Road in Larkspur.
(All) Route: 69 mi - Larkspur, Spruce Mountain Road, Palmer Lake, Monument, Roller Coaster Road, Black Forest, Monument, Palmer Divide, Perry Park Road, Larkspur
Oct 27 (Sun)
Tom Foss
Park-and-Ride at the southeast
corner of 120th Avenue and Huron Street in Northglenn.
(All) Route: 51 mi - Northglenn, Broomfield, Morgul-Bismark, Superior, Marshall, Cherryvale Road, Boulder, Erie, North glenn
Nov 2 (Sat)
Rooney Road-Deer Creek Canyon loop
Tom Foss
Start: Green Mountain Trailhead parking lot west of Green Mountain and on the east side of Rooney Road (west Lakewood) two miles south of the intersection of Colfax Avenue/US Highway 40 and Rooney Road (northeast Golden).
(All) Route: 44 mi - Rooney Road, Red Rocks, Willow Springs, Ken
Caryl, Deer Creek Canyon, Indian Hills, Kittredge, Red Rocks, Rooney Road
Nov 9 (Sat)
Northglenn-Louisville-Erie loop
Val Phelps
Park-and-Ride at the southeast
corner of 120th Avenue and Huron Street in Northglenn.
(All) Route: 39 mi - Northglenn, Louisville, Erie, State Highway 52, Northglenn
Nov 16 (Sat)
Start: The Highway Commission parking lot at the southeast
corner of Colfax Avenue and Tower Road in Aurora.
(All) Route: 39 mi - Aurora, Watkins, Bennett, Watkins, Aurora
Nov 23 (Sat)
Caryl-Chatfield loop
Tom Foss
Park-and-Ride at the northwest
corner of Santa Fe Drive and Mineral Avenue in Littleton.
(All) Route: 34 mi - Littleton, Ken Caryl, Deer Creek, Chatfield Reservoir, Littleton
Nov 30 (Sat)
Northglenn and
beyond, 40+ miles |
Tom Foss
Park-and-Ride at the southeast
corner of 120th Avenue and Huron Street in Northglenn.
(All) Route: 40+ mi -TBD by ride leader
The NEW Wednesday Evening Training Ride
As winter approaches, the Wednesday evening training ride is moving locations! After the final Wednesday night Handle Bar and Grill Show-and-Go on October 23rd, a new show-and- go ride, leaving from the 15th Street REI and exploring the Platte River bike path, will be inaugurated on October 30th. Lights will be a must, and a mountain or cross bike
is suggested. Questions? Contact Val Phelps for more information.
Tuesday Night Hill Climb Ride Hibernates for the Winter
As the days get shorter and temperatures get colder, the TNHCR is going into hibernation for the winter. Thanks to those who participated in this challenging weekly ride in 2002. Look for the TNHDR to return in the spring of 2003.
Chain Chatter
November 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 101473
Denver, CO 80250-1473
people who love to ride!
Mountain Cycling Club
h a i n C h a t t e r
December 2002
people who love to ride
By Brent Myers
With the first edition of Chain Chatter assembled, I move into new
challenges. Mrs. Jones, my 11th grade English teacher, would not have
thought this possible. So I will try my best to be concise and have clear
sentences with proper structure. If I don't, please feel free to ride with
me and only after 75 miles can you give me constructive criticism. And I'd
be glad to have any help with this annoying MS Publisher product. We
should be paid to put up with this stuff, but I know that with much
diligence I will eventually learn to use it .
Being the active rider that I am, if l see you, I consider you fair game
for articles. Everyone of you has stories of riding that would be
interesting to our members, but I want them in text format and e-mailed to I may not use them immediately, but they will
appear as soon as I have space.
I'd like to thank Mike and Penny Kosel for their great work as
Denver-Aspen directors and newsletter editors. Hard jobs, and they did them
well. So we move on and run the Aspen ride as it was done in the old days.
I'm going to finish the brevet at the Woody Creek Tavern for protein and
The 2003 Ride Calendar will be mailed with this newsletter, and this is
why the letter is a little late. With the committee going over every ride,
our goal is to provide progressive training distances with fun and safe
routes. John Klever has to edit the maps and cue sheets, so we research
any route changes we make very carefully. Ride leaders are responsible for
suggestions and improvements to the routes which we try, and we do the
best we can with the added pressure of our increased membership. So thanks
again to John Klever, John Ellis, Chuck and Diana Henderson, Val Phelps,
Tom Foss, Rick Melick and Barry Nash for their efforts.
Catherine Lookingbill has finally made her exodus to Florida to retire.
She and Joe were strong members of this club when I first started riding,
and they helped me to get stronger and be able to do a century. When I
choose to ride in the back with the new riders, I do it from their example.
And here's to a Merry Christmas, hoping Santa brings us all new bike
See Le Tour by Wandering Around
By John Elmblad
My wife and I flew to Paris last July, picked up a rental car, and went in
search of Lance and the tour. We knew from the schedule where to go, sort
of, so off we went. We were constantly surprised that there wasn't more
information or merchandising of the Tour in France. People at our hotels
were consistently clueless about Le Tour, and most spoke better English
than we did.
So, there we were, in southern France, the day of the stage to Mount
Ventoux. It looked pretty close on the map so we set out to see if we
could find the Tour route or anyone who knew where it might be. Before
long we saw yellow signs with black arrows, and the Tour logo. So we
followed them. We went through beautiful countryside, and many small
towns. Finally we found a place that met our specifications, a place to
sit, a little shade, and a promising looking bar.
It proved ideal. An entire village of people and others from the region
quickly filled every nook and cranny near us, while a grandmother
patrolled her flower garden to keep the spectators off. The one bar in
town opened its doors and single bathroom, to one and all. We waited about
four hot hours on either side of a road the width of a bike path, near the
top of a small hill. There was a constant parade of bike tourists, in
groups large and small, from all over the world, riding toward Ventoux.
The crowd was friendly and we talked to the folks around us with our
broken French, sharing food and water.
Finally, the Tour caravan came by, throwing out goodies, selling shirts
and hats, and advertising everything from bottled water to the movie
"Men in Black II". We were able to trade with the spectators
around us for the most coveted freebies, and get rid of little cheeses
thrown from the caravan with frightening velocity.
We knew the riders were close, and suddenly, here they came Viranque, and
the blue train with Lance in tow. It was unbelievable how fast they rode,
and how close together the riders were. Then they were gone.
We happened to spend the night at the same hotel as three teams, and
enjoyed seeing the riders and mechanics on a rest day. We missed a start
at another small town (Be sure you download the daily time schedules off
the web ). We drove some of the stages in the Alps the day before the
riders. We were in Paris for the finish, and even got a discarded water
bottle. But the highlight was the small town in southern France.
Rider Participates in the World Senior Games
The Huntsman World
Senior Games are held each year during the second and third weeks of
October. The host city is Saint George, Utah, providing pleasantly warm
fall temperatures and eye-popping scenery, plus the townspeople totally
love the 6000 + participants.
This year's cycling events drew nearly 300 participants, including a large
contingent of Colorado riders. Rex Farnsworth from our club, as well as
several riders from the Schwab Racing Team, and the COBRAs participated.
Events included:
Day 1- Hill Climb (6k, 1000 feet of climbing, peaking at 10%)
Day 2 - Time Trial (20k or 40k, flat)
Day 3 - Criterium (30 minutes)
Day 4 - Road Race (60k, 2100 feet of climbing, peaking at 10%+).
The first two days were pretty discouraging for Rex racing in the Men's
Public A division, 60-64 year olds. He managed personal bests in the hill
climb (five minutes faster) and in the time trial (two minutes faster),
but finished far behind the medal winners. Facing the criterium on day
three, he was expecting to be dropped early, however, as they rounded the
last turn he lead a wild sprint to the finish where he was edged out by
less than a wheel, taking second place. The day four road race was nearly
an instant replay of the criterium finish. At the top of the second
mountain climb, Rex was surprised to be part of a seven-rider breakaway.
The seven riders ended the race in a dramatic, 32 mph sprint finish. When
the judges finally sorted it out, Rex finished second (again less than a
wheel from the Gold) picking up another silver medal. Looking back, Rex
believes that the RMCC training program provided the extra endurance
needed to be competitive in the last two days of racing.
Rex also represented the RMCC rode in the mountain bike races during week
two of the games. Events included:
Day 1 Morning - Hill Climb (two miles, with 12+% climbs)
Day 1 Afternoon - Downhill (2.5 miles, very rough)
Day 2 Morning - Cross Country (15.2 miles, 2000 feet of climbing, including
six challenging, technical climbs up sandstone washes).
Rex is not known for his mountain bike technical skills; plus the ladies
regularly beat him on the descents. He had replaced his old hard tail bike
with a new, full suspension machine just two days prior to the games. It
is no wonder he calls this year's results "the miracle of Saint
George": Gold in the Hill Climb, Bronze in the Downhill, Gold in the
Cross Country, and Best Overall in the Men's Sport division, 60-64 year
RMCC members interested in the World Senior Games next October should
contact Rex at
October 27, 2002: Lessons
Learned on a Chilly Sunday
By John Elmblad
How irritating is it to help another rider who came unprepared? I found
out on the final Sunday ride of the year. For RMCC club members, it just
isn't a big deal.
We had ridden about 40 of the 50 miles listed on the cue sheet when I
flatted. The other four guys immediately stopped with me, and even helped
change the tube I was carrying. It was new, but it wouldn't hold air. I
didn't have another, so we patched it, checked the tire again,
reassembled, and it still wouldn't hold air. We stripped the works, and
Brent donated yet another tube, one from his front wheel with the long
stem I needed. After reassembly, and pumping, it too went flat. Now Tom
gave me a spare of his, and he and Mike checked my tire with the
concentration of surgeons. Brent and Val checked the tube, we reassembled,
and success at last! No one grumbled, chastised, or blamed. It was all
shrugs and "Don't worry about its."
What did I learn? 1) One tube just isn't enough, particularly late in the
season, or if you need special stuff. 2) You won't find nicer folks to
ride with than those in the RMCC. Many thanks to Brent, Mike, Tom, and
Reservoir-Poudre Canyon-Stove Prairie! |
Name |
Time |
Tom Foss
The second time around! Whoever said it's easier the second
time around was pulling our derailleur cable (so to speak.) This
Horsetooth was a near duplicate of the May 5th brevet. At two miles shorter than May's 133 mile
route, it was not easier. One can only shudder thinking of the day when
those four little climbs on the east side of Horsetooth Reservoir are
brought into the route.
A cool, crisp, sunny day made the climb alongside the Cache le
Poudre River even more stellar than usual. Along with the miles
of new pavement on Road 25 east of Masonville, and the all too short stretches of repaired
road up and over the Stove Prairie climb, the ride bordered on pure
Five riders from the original 39 revisited the brevet with two riders posting
faster circuits than their previous times. A tweak of the spoke wrench goes
out to two unnamed riders who attacked Stove Prairie from the east, until
realizing their mistake and ending the day with an additional 20 miles. |
Stacy |
9:40 |
356 |
Ken* |
9:40 |
Michael |
9:41 |
Carol |
7:40 |
Christopher |
9:39 |
153 |
Lee |
8:00 |
FOSS, Tom* |
8:44 |
1003 |
Kerry* |
9:46 |
Tim* |
7:40 |
7:40 |
1635 |
9:40 |
Robert |
7:47 |
time around this year |
Furnace Creek 508
October 17, 2002: RMCC member Jim "Katydid" Kraychy completed the Furnace Creek 508 in 40:03:16, placing him
17th in the men's solo division. Held October 12 - 14, the 508-mile, original ultramarathon event traverses
Death Valley and features 35,000 feet of total elevation gain. See the Furnace Creek 508 website for
more details at
El Tour de Tucson
23, 2002: RMCC members Jim Kraychy and Carol Chaffee challenged the riders in the 108
mile "Tour de Tucson" with Carol placing 16th in the women's division with a time of 4:57. Jim
dropped his chain at 98 miles, which left him shelled off the back of the pack, and
he finished 333rd in the men's division. This ride features large pack riding, which Carol found to be exciting, fast, and
exhausting. See the website at
New York City Marathon
November 3, 2002: RMCC member Beth Long completed the New York City Marathon with a time of
4:35:02 placing her 18,020th out of 31,824 on a cool but sunny New York day. Beth's comments about
the race were that the aid stations only offered water and sports drinks and the marshaling area
had the runners waiting four hours in the cold before the race with only two coffee lines. The running
community has nothing over our bicycle events. Nice job of cross training for the brevets.
Winter Ride Schedule
December and January
10:45 AM Show and Go ride from 120th and
The alternate day is Sunday.
Contact Val Phelps.
5:30 PM Show and Go rides from the REI
flagship store in downtown Denver.
Rides will be along the river trails.
Lights are required.
Contact Tom Foss.
Calendar of Events
Val's First RMCC New Year's Day Century
Wagon Road Park and Ride at 8AM
Val Phelps
Club Meeting
Tuesday January 7th, 2003 7PM
Denny's at 38th and 1-25
Join us for dinner to help with club business.
This is your club, and your input will improve it.
Brevet Meeting
March 26th, 2003
REI at 15th and Platte Street
Informational meeting for riders interested in long distance riding under the sanctioning of UMCA and Cycling
Parisiannes. You've done the century, done the crits, now come and join us for the ultimate
cycling challenge. Subjects covered are nutrition, conditioning, and
Chain Chatter
December 2002
Rocky Mountain
Cycling Club
P.O. Box 201
Wheat Ridge, CO 80034
people who love to ride!