9:01 am MDT June 23, 2005
66-year-old Western Slope woman was arrested Wednesday after bicyclists on the
Ride The Rockies tour accused her of road rage.
Colorado State Patrol arrested Betty Lorimer as she drove along U.S. Highway 50
in her pickup truck.
said the woman was swerving near them and honking her horn continuously as she
passed them. She appeared to be upset they were using the highway, the cyclists
said. They notified authorities on their cell phones and gave them a description
and license plate of the vehicle.
patrol Sgt. Tim Keeton arrested the Grand Junction, Colorado, woman because he
said she was so upset that letting her go with just a ticket would have
increased her rage and put the cyclists in more danger.
said a loaded handgun was found in her pickup when it was impounded. But Lorimer
said she was carrying the handgun legally.
2005 Ride the Rockies tour involves 2,000 cyclists on a 7-day ride from Grand
Junction to Breckenridge, Colorado.