Rocky Mountain Cycling Club
The Club for People Who Love to Ride!


 Who We Are 



 Ride Schedule 

Brevets and Populaires - "The Challenge Series"


Intermediate Training Group

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A Guide to Riding with RMCC 


Get pedaling...
By Jack Cox
Denver Post Staff Writer

Marathon cycling events in Colorado are organized by the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club, a Denver-based group whose unabashed motto is "For People Who Love to Ride."

And love it they do, turning out in contingents of 25 or more for weekend training rides that start out slow in February but can cover nearly 100 miles by April each year - a point in the season when most cyclists feel satisfied if they can go 50.

"They push you," says longtime member Pat Wilburn, 48, a Westminster businesswoman who clicked off 67 miles on a recent Sunday in preparation for a week-long Cycle America tour in Montana with her friend Peggy Martin, 44, a neonatal nurse.

While the club sponsors several multi-day tours that average 100-plus miles a day, its signature ride is an annual Denver-to-Aspen brevet that covers 180 miles in one day.