Rocky Mountain Cycling Club Membership Application Form To become a member for one year: 1. Print this application form. 2. Fill out the application form completely, including your signature. 3. Mail a check for $25 ($35 family) and the completed application form to: Rocky Mountain Cycling Club c/o Tom Foss 7301 West 32nd Avenue Wheat Ridge, CO 80033 Check One: Individual Membership ($25): __ or Family Membership ($35): __ Check One: New Membership: __ or Renewal Membership: __ Name: _________________________________________________ Addr: _________________________________________________ Addr: _________________________________________________ City: ___________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _____________ Home Phone: _________________ Work Phone: _____________ Email Address (optiional): __________________________________________ Signature: ____________________________________________ Do you want to receive your newsletter by e-mail (future)? _____ Rocky Mountain Cycling Club (RMCC) publishes its newsletter monthly. You will receive your first newsletter in two to six weeks, depending on when your application is received and the time of year.