To become a member for one year
1. Print this application form,
2. Fill out the application form completely, including your signature.
3. Mail a check for $25 (individual) or $35 (family) and the completed application form to:
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club |
c/o John Klever |
2279 Krameria |
Denver, CO 80207 |
. |
Check One: | Individual Membership ($25) |
Family Membership ($35) |
Check One: | New Membership |
Renewal Membership |
New Membership Orientation Kit: add $15 |
Orientation Kit: If this is your first season with RMCC, we recommend that you add the Orientation Kit. This kit includes the " Getting Started " CD that provides basic information to prepare you for the long distances, climbs, and speeds of RMCC rides. And, a subscription to the Intermediate Bike Training newsletter from Midlife Cycling. |
Name: ______________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________ State: ______________ Zip: _____________
Home Phone: _______________ Work Phone: _____________________________
E-mail Address (optional): _______________________________________________
Signature: ___________________________________________________________
Do you prefer to receive your newsletter by e-mail only?
Rocky Mountain Cycling Club (RMCC) publishes its newsletter approximately 4 times per year.